rm-hull / nvd-clojure

National Vulnerability Database dependency checker for Clojure projects
MIT License
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Output a sarif file #139

Closed piotr-yuxuan closed 2 years ago

piotr-yuxuan commented 2 years ago

Hello, thanks for this great project! I recently tumbled upon sarif files that may be uploaded to GitHub to integrate with their security features. Do you think you might consider adding support on it, or would you consider a PR about that? :-)


vemv commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for the issue! TIL about sarif.

nvd-clojure is based on DependencyCheck, which already supports sarif: https://github.com/jeremylong/DependencyCheck/pull/3083/files

(there may be a better documentation link)

PR welcome for implementing an option that emits a sarif file instead of a html report. A minimal one is OK, I could take it from there.

piotr-yuxuan commented 2 years ago

We all today learnt about sarif ^_^ I've been playing with https://github.com/aquasecurity/trivy-action and it doesn't detect exactly the same Clojure vulnerabilities, which is interesting :-)

vemv commented 2 years ago

PRs most welcome, other than that I'll close the issue since I only keep them open for things that we plan to implement.

antonmos commented 2 years ago

for posterity - turns out that nvd-clojure already outputs a sarif report - by default, it writes out all of the formats supported by DependencyCheck.