rmagatti / goto-preview

A small Neovim plugin for previewing definitions using floating windows.
Apache License 2.0
779 stars 27 forks source link

[BUG] Do not work with lazy? #105

Open ccwanggl opened 11 months ago

ccwanggl commented 11 months ago

I use windows 11 , and neovim > 0.9 I use lazy.nvim to load the goto-preview and have loaded( from the lazy log), but i can not use goto-preview. have set the default config to true,

rmagatti commented 11 months ago

Sorry, that's not enough information to go on. Please set debug = true in your config and paste the logs here to start.

rmagatti commented 11 months ago

Also please don't delete the template when opening an issue, filling it out helps streamline looking into issues. Thanks!