rmagatti / goto-preview

A small Neovim plugin for previewing definitions using floating windows.
Apache License 2.0
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[Feature] Only show the first implementation #113

Open kianNgyn opened 7 months ago

kianNgyn commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug When use "goto implementation", if there are several implementations, it's only show the first one and have no way to choose the other

chaozwn commented 2 weeks ago

i think maybe we can use rust-analyzer solution like this. show the mutiple selection in the top.


chaozwn commented 2 weeks ago

reference link: https://github.com/mrcjkb/rustaceanvim/blob/master/lua/rustaceanvim/hover_actions.lua#L92

rmagatti commented 1 week ago

I suppose what we'll want here is for goto-preview to do the same thing it does when require("goto-preview").goto_preview_references() is called, which is to open a picker with the multiple references, in this case, the multiple implementations to pick from and then open the preview, yes?