rmagick / rmagick

Ruby bindings for ImageMagick
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Morphology #184

Closed vassilevsky closed 5 years ago

vassilevsky commented 9 years ago

Copy of https://github.com/rmagick/rmagick/pull/40

We really need to merge this awesome contribution by @naquad. But it has no tests. @mockdeep, could you cover this with RSpec?

To update this changeset, please open pull requests to the morphology branch.

Closes #21 and #24.

mockdeep commented 9 years ago

@vassilevsky we'll need to get this one merged first, though the build might still be busted.

GitCop commented 9 years ago

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vassilevsky commented 9 years ago

I have rebased it on the latest master. It is ready to be specced.

vassilevsky commented 8 years ago

Closing this because pull requests need to be pointed at the new develop branch. Also, it needs tests.

mockdeep commented 8 years ago

So what's going on with the develop branch then?

vassilevsky commented 8 years ago

I think we should keep master at the last release at all times. Everything that's done after the last release goes into the develop branch. You can always see what's new with git log master..develop. When there are changes worth releasing, merge develop into master, add a commit with new version and changelog, and release. I'm gonna do this now.

linduxed commented 8 years ago

Sounds like a good idea.

mockdeep commented 8 years ago

What are the benefits of running on a develop branch instead of master? I can see it's nice for people coming to the repo to see the most recent deployed version of the readme. One downside is that contributors will have to remember to pull request to the develop branch and we'll have to let new contributors know as well.

vassilevsky commented 8 years ago

When master has new unreleased stuff it can be confusing for people. Not everyone knows that you need to expand the drop-down and choose the latest tag to see repo contents as they are in the latest released gem version.

I have added information about the develop branch to CONTRIBUTING.md. GitHub links to it at the top of new issue or PR. Hope that helps.

This is basically an optimization for users rather than developers.

mockdeep commented 8 years ago

Okay, sounds good.

vassilevsky commented 5 years ago

It has value even though it doesn't have tests. Will merge this and see what happens.