Closed bazzawill closed 8 years ago
This means the downloaded response from the AUR could not be downloaded.
Check the following command in console:
curl -sfg --compressed -C 0 "[]=pacaur"
If this fails, you might have a program that shipped another version of curl which fails for some reason (for example, some people reported that Anaconda does that sometimes).
Seems ok to me curl -sfg --compressed -C 0 "[]=pacaur" {"version":5,"type":"multiinfo","resultcount":1,"results":[{"ID":334838,"Name":"pacaur","PackageBaseID":49145,"PackageBase":"pacaur","Version":"4.6.9-1","Description":"An AUR helper that minimizes user interaction","URL":"https:\/\/\/rmarquis\/pacaur","NumVotes":619,"Popularity":56.276389,"OutOfDate":null,"Maintainer":"Spyhawk","FirstSubmitted":1305666963,"LastModified":1472795781,"URLPath":"\/cgit\/aur.git\/snapshot\/pacaur.tar.gz","Depends":["cower","expac","sudo","git"],"MakeDepends":["perl"],"License":["ISC"],"Keywords":["AUR","cower","helper","wrapper"]}]}%
Weird. Please provide a debug output (see Bug reports). This might give some additional info.
bash -x /usr/bin/pacaur -Sau ⏎
+ version=4.6.9
+ unset aur cleancache devel edit info installpkg foreign needed noconfirm nodeps noedit
+ unset operation pac pacQ pacS quiet rebuild refresh repo search selective upgrade
+ TEXTDOMAINDIR=/usr/share/locale
+ [[ -n /etc/xdg ]]
+ for i in '${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS//:/ }'
+ [[ -d /etc/xdg ]]
+ export XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=/etc/xdg
+ XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=/etc/xdg
+ break
+ configdir=/etc/xdg/pacaur
+ userconfigdir=/home/bazza/.config/pacaur
+ userpacmandir=/home/bazza/.config/pacman
+ usercachedir=/home/bazza/.cache/pacaur
+ [[ -r '' ]]
+ source /etc/makepkg.conf
++ DLAGENTS=('ftp::/usr/bin/curl -fC - --ftp-pasv --retry 3 --retry-delay 3 -o %o %u' 'http::/usr/bin/curl -fLC - --retry 3 --retry-delay 3 -o %o %u' 'https::/usr/bin/curl -fLC - --retry 3 --retry-delay 3 -o %o %u' 'rsync::/usr/bin/rsync --no-motd -z %u %o' 'scp::/usr/bin/scp -C %u %o')
++ VCSCLIENTS=('bzr::bzr' 'git::git' 'hg::mercurial' 'svn::subversion')
++ CARCH=x86_64
++ CHOST=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
++ CFLAGS='-march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4'
++ CXXFLAGS='-march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4'
++ LDFLAGS=-Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro
++ DEBUG_CFLAGS='-g -fvar-tracking-assignments'
++ DEBUG_CXXFLAGS='-g -fvar-tracking-assignments'
++ BUILDENV=(!distcc color !ccache check !sign)
++ OPTIONS=(strip docs !libtool !staticlibs emptydirs zipman purge !upx !debug)
++ STRIP_BINARIES=--strip-all
++ STRIP_SHARED=--strip-unneeded
++ STRIP_STATIC=--strip-debug
++ MAN_DIRS=({usr{,/local}{,/share},opt/*}/{man,info})
++ DOC_DIRS=(usr/{,local/}{,share/}{doc,gtk-doc} opt/*/{doc,gtk-doc})
++ PURGE_TARGETS=(usr/{,share}/info/dir .packlist *.pod)
++ COMPRESSGZ=(gzip -c -f -n)
++ COMPRESSBZ2=(bzip2 -c -f)
++ COMPRESSXZ=(xz -c -z -)
++ COMPRESSLRZ=(lrzip -q)
++ COMPRESSLZO=(lzop -q)
++ COMPRESSZ=(compress -c -f)
++ PKGEXT=.pkg.tar
++ SRCEXT=.src.tar.gz
+ [[ -r /home/bazza/.config/pacman/makepkg.conf ]]
+ [[ -r /home/bazza/.makepkg.conf ]]
+ tmpdir=/tmp/bazza/pacaurtmp-bazza
+ clonedir=/home/bazza/.cache/pacaur
+ editor=nano
+ displaybuildfiles=diff
+ fallback=true
+ silent=false
+ sortby=popularity
+ sortorder=descending
+ sudoloop=true
+ pacmanbin=pacman
+ aurrpc='/rpc.php?type=info&v=5'
+ source /etc/xdg/pacaur/config
+ [[ -r /home/bazza/.config/pacaur/config ]]
+ [[ ! -d /tmp/bazza/pacaurtmp-bazza ]]
+ [[ ! -d /home/bazza/.cache/pacaur ]]
+ trap Cancel INT
+ args=($@)
+ for i in '"${args[@]}"'
+ [[ -Sau =~ ^-[a-zA-Z0-9] ]]
+ opts+=($i)
+ count=0
+ [[ -n -Sau ]]
+ getopts sidmykufecqrahvxVDFQRSTUbglnoptw-: OPT
+ pacmanarg+=("-$OPT")
+ case "$OPT" in
+ pacS=1
+ operation=sync
+ [[ -Sau =~ w ]]
+ installpkg=true
+ [[ -Sau =~ g ]]
+ [[ -Sau =~ l ]]
+ [[ -Sau =~ p ]]
+ getopts sidmykufecqrahvxVDFQRSTUbglnoptw-: OPT
+ pacmanarg+=("-$OPT")
+ case "$OPT" in
+ aur=1
+ getopts sidmykufecqrahvxVDFQRSTUbglnoptw-: OPT
+ pacmanarg+=("-$OPT")
+ case "$OPT" in
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n 1 ]]
+ operation=sync
+ upgrade=true
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n 1 ]]
+ continue
+ getopts sidmykufecqrahvxVDFQRSTUbglnoptw-: OPT
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ break
++ grep '^Color' /etc/pacman.conf
+ [[ -n '' ]]
++ grep '^Color' /etc/pacman.conf
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ [[ '' = \a\l\w\a\y\s ]]
+ [[ '' = \a\u\t\o ]]
+ [[ '' != \a\l\w\a\y\s ]]
+ [[ '' != \a\u\t\o ]]
+ makeopts+=("--nocolor")
+ pacmanarg=(${pacmanarg[@]/--/})
+ pacmanarg=(${pacmanarg[@]/-r/})
+ pacmanarg=(${pacmanarg[@]/-a/})
+ [[ sync = sync ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ 1000 -eq 0 ]]
+ [[ -n 1 ]]
+ pacmanarg=(${pacmanarg[@]/-e/})
+ [[ -n 1 ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n 1 ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n nano ]]
+ [[ sync = sync ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ diff = diff ]]
+ [[ /home/bazza/.cache/pacaur = /tmp/bazza/pacaurtmp-bazza ]]
+ [[ ! -w /home/bazza/.cache/pacaur ]]
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ [[ sync = download ]]
+ [[ sync = sync ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n true ]]
+ [[ -z '' ]]
++ grep -e '-[RU]'
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ case $operation in
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n true ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n 1 ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n 1 ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ [[ true = true ]]
+ Core
+ GetIgnoredPkgs
+ ignoredpkgs+=($(grep '^IgnorePkg' '/etc/pacman.conf' | awk -F '=' '{print $NF}' | tr -d "'\""))
++ grep '^IgnorePkg' /etc/pacman.conf
++ awk -F = '{print $NF}'
++ tr -d ''\''"'
+ [[ -e /home/bazza/.config/cower/config ]]
+ ignoredpkgs=(${ignoredpkgs[@]//,/ })
+ [[ -n true ]]
+ UpgradeAur
+ local foreignpkgs allaurpkgs allaurpkgsAver allaurpkgsQver aurforeignpkgs i
+ Note i 'Starting AUR upgrade...'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: Starting AUR upgrade...'
:: Starting AUR upgrade...
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ foreignpkgs=($($pacmanbin -Qmq))
++ pacman -Qmq
++ DownloadJson adduser adobe-air adobe-air-sdk android-sdk-platform-tools backdrop-randomizer byobu castnow-git clearlooks-colors-gtk-theme clearlooks-phenix-gtk-theme couchpotato-git cower-git craftbukkit-spigot darktable-git ephifonts filebot geoclue google-chrome gtk-clearlooks-compact gtk2-ubuntu gtkhotkey hsetroot ibus-uniemoji-git icaclient isl jdownloader2 jre jripper lib32-kmod libappindicator-gtk2 libdbusmenu-glib libdbusmenu-gtk2 libdbusmenu-gtk3 libgcj15-bin libgcj16-bin libgcj17-bin libindicator-gtk2 libindicator-gtk3 libspotify libstdc++296 libzeitgeist masterpdfeditor mcrcon mediafrontpage-git minecraft pacaur-git package-query pdftk-bin perl-mail-imapclient perl-musicbrainz-discid perl-unicode-string perl-webservice-musicbrainz plex-media-server-plexpass python-fudge python-soundcloud-git python2-fudge python2-gntp-git python2-yenc sabnzbd sensors-lxpanel-plugin sickrage-git skype sonarr soundcloud-dl-git spigot-plugin-essentials spl-dkms spl-utils spotify-adkiller sublime-text-dev subnode-git subtitle-master ttf-ms-fonts ttf-opensans ttf-tahoma vimeo-dl-git wallpapy webilder-gtk-patched winusb xboxdrv xfce4-hardware-monitor-plugin xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin-git yaourt youtube-dl-gui-git zfs-dkms zfs-utils
++ local urlencodedpkgs urlargs
++ urlencodedpkgs=($(sed 's/+/%2b/g;s/@/%40/g' <<< $@))
+++ sed 's/+/%2b/g;s/@/%40/g'
+++ printf '&arg[]=%s' adduser adobe-air adobe-air-sdk android-sdk-platform-tools backdrop-randomizer byobu castnow-git clearlooks-colors-gtk-theme clearlooks-phenix-gtk-theme couchpotato-git cower-git craftbukkit-spigot darktable-git ephifonts filebot geoclue google-chrome gtk-clearlooks-compact gtk2-ubuntu gtkhotkey hsetroot ibus-uniemoji-git icaclient isl jdownloader2 jre jripper lib32-kmod libappindicator-gtk2 libdbusmenu-glib libdbusmenu-gtk2 libdbusmenu-gtk3 libgcj15-bin libgcj16-bin libgcj17-bin libindicator-gtk2 libindicator-gtk3 libspotify libstdc%2b%2b296 libzeitgeist masterpdfeditor mcrcon mediafrontpage-git minecraft pacaur-git package-query pdftk-bin perl-mail-imapclient perl-musicbrainz-discid perl-unicode-string perl-webservice-musicbrainz plex-media-server-plexpass python-fudge python-soundcloud-git python2-fudge python2-gntp-git python2-yenc sabnzbd sensors-lxpanel-plugin sickrage-git skype sonarr soundcloud-dl-git spigot-plugin-essentials spl-dkms spl-utils spotify-adkiller sublime-text-dev subnode-git subtitle-master ttf-ms-fonts ttf-opensans ttf-tahoma vimeo-dl-git wallpapy webilder-gtk-patched winusb xboxdrv xfce4-hardware-monitor-plugin xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin-git yaourt youtube-dl-gui-git zfs-dkms zfs-utils
++ urlargs='&arg[]=adduser&arg[]=adobe-air&arg[]=adobe-air-sdk&arg[]=android-sdk-platform-tools&arg[]=backdrop-randomizer&arg[]=byobu&arg[]=castnow-git&arg[]=clearlooks-colors-gtk-theme&arg[]=clearlooks-phenix-gtk-theme&arg[]=couchpotato-git&arg[]=cower-git&arg[]=craftbukkit-spigot&arg[]=darktable-git&arg[]=ephifonts&arg[]=filebot&arg[]=geoclue&arg[]=google-chrome&arg[]=gtk-clearlooks-compact&arg[]=gtk2-ubuntu&arg[]=gtkhotkey&arg[]=hsetroot&arg[]=ibus-uniemoji-git&arg[]=icaclient&arg[]=isl&arg[]=jdownloader2&arg[]=jre&arg[]=jripper&arg[]=lib32-kmod&arg[]=libappindicator-gtk2&arg[]=libdbusmenu-glib&arg[]=libdbusmenu-gtk2&arg[]=libdbusmenu-gtk3&arg[]=libgcj15-bin&arg[]=libgcj16-bin&arg[]=libgcj17-bin&arg[]=libindicator-gtk2&arg[]=libindicator-gtk3&arg[]=libspotify&arg[]=libstdc%2b%2b296&arg[]=libzeitgeist&arg[]=masterpdfeditor&arg[]=mcrcon&arg[]=mediafrontpage-git&arg[]=minecraft&arg[]=pacaur-git&arg[]=package-query&arg[]=pdftk-bin&arg[]=perl-mail-imapclient&arg[]=perl-musicbrainz-discid&arg[]=perl-unicode-string&arg[]=perl-webservice-musicbrainz&arg[]=plex-media-server-plexpass&arg[]=python-fudge&arg[]=python-soundcloud-git&arg[]=python2-fudge&arg[]=python2-gntp-git&arg[]=python2-yenc&arg[]=sabnzbd&arg[]=sensors-lxpanel-plugin&arg[]=sickrage-git&arg[]=skype&arg[]=sonarr&arg[]=soundcloud-dl-git&arg[]=spigot-plugin-essentials&arg[]=spl-dkms&arg[]=spl-utils&arg[]=spotify-adkiller&arg[]=sublime-text-dev&arg[]=subnode-git&arg[]=subtitle-master&arg[]=ttf-ms-fonts&arg[]=ttf-opensans&arg[]=ttf-tahoma&arg[]=vimeo-dl-git&arg[]=wallpapy&arg[]=webilder-gtk-patched&arg[]=winusb&arg[]=xboxdrv&arg[]=xfce4-hardware-monitor-plugin&arg[]=xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin-git&arg[]=yaourt&arg[]=youtube-dl-gui-git&arg[]=zfs-dkms&arg[]=zfs-utils'
++ [[ 1732 -lt 8125 ]]
++ curl -sfg --compressed -C 0 '[]=adduser&arg[]=adobe-air&arg[]=adobe-air-sdk&arg[]=android-sdk-platform-tools&arg[]=backdrop-randomizer&arg[]=byobu&arg[]=castnow-git&arg[]=clearlooks-colors-gtk-theme&arg[]=clearlooks-phenix-gtk-theme&arg[]=couchpotato-git&arg[]=cower-git&arg[]=craftbukkit-spigot&arg[]=darktable-git&arg[]=ephifonts&arg[]=filebot&arg[]=geoclue&arg[]=google-chrome&arg[]=gtk-clearlooks-compact&arg[]=gtk2-ubuntu&arg[]=gtkhotkey&arg[]=hsetroot&arg[]=ibus-uniemoji-git&arg[]=icaclient&arg[]=isl&arg[]=jdownloader2&arg[]=jre&arg[]=jripper&arg[]=lib32-kmod&arg[]=libappindicator-gtk2&arg[]=libdbusmenu-glib&arg[]=libdbusmenu-gtk2&arg[]=libdbusmenu-gtk3&arg[]=libgcj15-bin&arg[]=libgcj16-bin&arg[]=libgcj17-bin&arg[]=libindicator-gtk2&arg[]=libindicator-gtk3&arg[]=libspotify&arg[]=libstdc%2b%2b296&arg[]=libzeitgeist&arg[]=masterpdfeditor&arg[]=mcrcon&arg[]=mediafrontpage-git&arg[]=minecraft&arg[]=pacaur-git&arg[]=package-query&arg[]=pdftk-bin&arg[]=perl-mail-imapclient&arg[]=perl-musicbrainz-discid&arg[]=perl-unicode-string&arg[]=perl-webservice-musicbrainz&arg[]=plex-media-server-plexpass&arg[]=python-fudge&arg[]=python-soundcloud-git&arg[]=python2-fudge&arg[]=python2-gntp-git&arg[]=python2-yenc&arg[]=sabnzbd&arg[]=sensors-lxpanel-plugin&arg[]=sickrage-git&arg[]=skype&arg[]=sonarr&arg[]=soundcloud-dl-git&arg[]=spigot-plugin-essentials&arg[]=spl-dkms&arg[]=spl-utils&arg[]=spotify-adkiller&arg[]=sublime-text-dev&arg[]=subnode-git&arg[]=subtitle-master&arg[]=ttf-ms-fonts&arg[]=ttf-opensans&arg[]=ttf-tahoma&arg[]=vimeo-dl-git&arg[]=wallpapy&arg[]=webilder-gtk-patched&arg[]=winusb&arg[]=xboxdrv&arg[]=xfce4-hardware-monitor-plugin&arg[]=xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin-git&arg[]=yaourt&arg[]=youtube-dl-gui-git&arg[]=zfs-dkms&arg[]=zfs-utils'
+ json=
+ allaurpkgs=($(GetJson "var" "$json" "Name"))
++ GetJson var '' Name
++ json_verify -q
++ Note e 'Could not connect to the AUR'
++ case "$1" in
++ echo -e ':: Could not connect to the AUR'
:: Could not connect to the AUR
++ exit 1
+ allaurpkgsAver=($(GetJson "var" "$json" "Version"))
++ GetJson var '' Version
++ json_verify -q
++ Note e 'Could not connect to the AUR'
++ case "$1" in
++ echo -e ':: Could not connect to the AUR'
:: Could not connect to the AUR
++ exit 1
+ allaurpkgsQver=($(expac -Q '%v' ${allaurpkgs[@]}))
++ expac -Q %v
+ aurforeignpkgs=($(grep -xvf <(printf '%s\n' "${allaurpkgs[@]}") <(printf '%s\n' "${foreignpkgs[@]}")))
+++ printf '%s\n'
++ grep -xvf /dev/fd/63 /dev/fd/62
+++ printf '%s\n' adduser adobe-air adobe-air-sdk android-sdk-platform-tools backdrop-randomizer byobu castnow-git clearlooks-colors-gtk-theme clearlooks-phenix-gtk-theme couchpotato-git cower-git craftbukkit-spigot darktable-git ephifonts filebot geoclue google-chrome gtk-clearlooks-compact gtk2-ubuntu gtkhotkey hsetroot ibus-uniemoji-git icaclient isl jdownloader2 jre jripper lib32-kmod libappindicator-gtk2 libdbusmenu-glib libdbusmenu-gtk2 libdbusmenu-gtk3 libgcj15-bin libgcj16-bin libgcj17-bin libindicator-gtk2 libindicator-gtk3 libspotify libstdc++296 libzeitgeist masterpdfeditor mcrcon mediafrontpage-git minecraft pacaur-git package-query pdftk-bin perl-mail-imapclient perl-musicbrainz-discid perl-unicode-string perl-webservice-musicbrainz plex-media-server-plexpass python-fudge python-soundcloud-git python2-fudge python2-gntp-git python2-yenc sabnzbd sensors-lxpanel-plugin sickrage-git skype sonarr soundcloud-dl-git spigot-plugin-essentials spl-dkms spl-utils spotify-adkiller sublime-text-dev subnode-git subtitle-master ttf-ms-fonts ttf-opensans ttf-tahoma vimeo-dl-git wallpapy webilder-gtk-patched winusb xboxdrv xfce4-hardware-monitor-plugin xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin-git yaourt youtube-dl-gui-git zfs-dkms zfs-utils
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'adduser is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: adduser is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: adduser is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'adobe-air is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: adobe-air is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: adobe-air is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'adobe-air-sdk is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: adobe-air-sdk is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: adobe-air-sdk is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'android-sdk-platform-tools is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: android-sdk-platform-tools is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: android-sdk-platform-tools is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'backdrop-randomizer is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: backdrop-randomizer is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: backdrop-randomizer is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'byobu is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: byobu is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: byobu is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'castnow-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: castnow-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: castnow-git is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'clearlooks-colors-gtk-theme is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: clearlooks-colors-gtk-theme is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: clearlooks-colors-gtk-theme is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'clearlooks-phenix-gtk-theme is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: clearlooks-phenix-gtk-theme is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: clearlooks-phenix-gtk-theme is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'couchpotato-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: couchpotato-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: couchpotato-git is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'cower-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: cower-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: cower-git is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'craftbukkit-spigot is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: craftbukkit-spigot is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: craftbukkit-spigot is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'darktable-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: darktable-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: darktable-git is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'ephifonts is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: ephifonts is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: ephifonts is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'filebot is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: filebot is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: filebot is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'geoclue is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: geoclue is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: geoclue is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'google-chrome is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: google-chrome is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: google-chrome is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'gtk-clearlooks-compact is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: gtk-clearlooks-compact is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: gtk-clearlooks-compact is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'gtk2-ubuntu is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: gtk2-ubuntu is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: gtk2-ubuntu is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'gtkhotkey is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: gtkhotkey is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: gtkhotkey is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'hsetroot is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: hsetroot is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: hsetroot is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'ibus-uniemoji-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: ibus-uniemoji-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: ibus-uniemoji-git is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'icaclient is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: icaclient is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: icaclient is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'isl is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: isl is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: isl is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'jdownloader2 is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: jdownloader2 is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: jdownloader2 is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'jre is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: jre is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: jre is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'jripper is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: jripper is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: jripper is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'lib32-kmod is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: lib32-kmod is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: lib32-kmod is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'libappindicator-gtk2 is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: libappindicator-gtk2 is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: libappindicator-gtk2 is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'libdbusmenu-glib is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: libdbusmenu-glib is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: libdbusmenu-glib is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'libdbusmenu-gtk2 is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: libdbusmenu-gtk2 is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: libdbusmenu-gtk2 is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'libdbusmenu-gtk3 is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: libdbusmenu-gtk3 is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: libdbusmenu-gtk3 is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'libgcj15-bin is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: libgcj15-bin is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: libgcj15-bin is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'libgcj16-bin is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: libgcj16-bin is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: libgcj16-bin is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'libgcj17-bin is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: libgcj17-bin is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: libgcj17-bin is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'libindicator-gtk2 is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: libindicator-gtk2 is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: libindicator-gtk2 is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'libindicator-gtk3 is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: libindicator-gtk3 is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: libindicator-gtk3 is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'libspotify is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: libspotify is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: libspotify is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'libstdc++296 is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: libstdc++296 is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: libstdc++296 is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'libzeitgeist is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: libzeitgeist is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: libzeitgeist is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'masterpdfeditor is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: masterpdfeditor is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: masterpdfeditor is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'mcrcon is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: mcrcon is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: mcrcon is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'mediafrontpage-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: mediafrontpage-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: mediafrontpage-git is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'minecraft is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: minecraft is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: minecraft is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'pacaur-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: pacaur-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: pacaur-git is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'package-query is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: package-query is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: package-query is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'pdftk-bin is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: pdftk-bin is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: pdftk-bin is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'perl-mail-imapclient is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: perl-mail-imapclient is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: perl-mail-imapclient is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'perl-musicbrainz-discid is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: perl-musicbrainz-discid is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: perl-musicbrainz-discid is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'perl-unicode-string is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: perl-unicode-string is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: perl-unicode-string is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'perl-webservice-musicbrainz is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: perl-webservice-musicbrainz is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: perl-webservice-musicbrainz is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'plex-media-server-plexpass is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: plex-media-server-plexpass is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: plex-media-server-plexpass is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'python-fudge is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: python-fudge is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: python-fudge is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'python-soundcloud-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: python-soundcloud-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: python-soundcloud-git is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'python2-fudge is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: python2-fudge is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: python2-fudge is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'python2-gntp-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: python2-gntp-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: python2-gntp-git is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'python2-yenc is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: python2-yenc is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: python2-yenc is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'sabnzbd is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: sabnzbd is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: sabnzbd is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'sensors-lxpanel-plugin is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: sensors-lxpanel-plugin is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: sensors-lxpanel-plugin is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'sickrage-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: sickrage-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: sickrage-git is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'skype is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: skype is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: skype is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'sonarr is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: sonarr is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: sonarr is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'soundcloud-dl-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: soundcloud-dl-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: soundcloud-dl-git is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'spigot-plugin-essentials is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: spigot-plugin-essentials is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: spigot-plugin-essentials is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'spl-dkms is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: spl-dkms is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: spl-dkms is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'spl-utils is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: spl-utils is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: spl-utils is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'spotify-adkiller is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: spotify-adkiller is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: spotify-adkiller is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'sublime-text-dev is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: sublime-text-dev is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: sublime-text-dev is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'subnode-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: subnode-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: subnode-git is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'subtitle-master is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: subtitle-master is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: subtitle-master is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'ttf-ms-fonts is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: ttf-ms-fonts is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: ttf-ms-fonts is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'ttf-opensans is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: ttf-opensans is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: ttf-opensans is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'ttf-tahoma is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: ttf-tahoma is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: ttf-tahoma is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'vimeo-dl-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: vimeo-dl-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: vimeo-dl-git is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'wallpapy is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: wallpapy is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: wallpapy is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'webilder-gtk-patched is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: webilder-gtk-patched is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: webilder-gtk-patched is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'winusb is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: winusb is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: winusb is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'xboxdrv is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: xboxdrv is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: xboxdrv is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'xfce4-hardware-monitor-plugin is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: xfce4-hardware-monitor-plugin is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: xfce4-hardware-monitor-plugin is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin-git is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'yaourt is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: yaourt is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: yaourt is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'youtube-dl-gui-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: youtube-dl-gui-git is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: youtube-dl-gui-git is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'zfs-dkms is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: zfs-dkms is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: zfs-dkms is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ for i in '"${aurforeignpkgs[@]}"'
+ Note w 'zfs-utils is not present in AUR -- skipping'
+ case "$1" in
+ echo -e ':: zfs-utils is not present in AUR -- skipping'
:: zfs-utils is not present in AUR -- skipping
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ aurpkgs=($(tr ' ' '\n' <<< ${aurpkgs[@]} | sort -u))
++ tr ' ' '\n'
++ sort -u
+ NothingToDo
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ printf '%s\n' ' there is nothing to do'
there is nothing to do
+ exit
Your json response is really empty (see json=
). Are you sure the following code produce something?
curl -sfg --compressed -C 0 '[]=adduser&arg[]=adobe-air&arg[]=adobe-air-sdk&arg[]=android-sdk-platform-tools&arg[]=backdrop-randomizer&arg[]=byobu&arg[]=castnow-git&arg[]=clearlooks-colors-gtk-theme&arg[]=clearlooks-phenix-gtk-theme&arg[]=couchpotato-git&arg[]=cower-git&arg[]=craftbukkit-spigot&arg[]=darktable-git&arg[]=ephifonts&arg[]=filebot&arg[]=geoclue&arg[]=google-chrome&arg[]=gtk-clearlooks-compact&arg[]=gtk2-ubuntu&arg[]=gtkhotkey&arg[]=hsetroot&arg[]=ibus-uniemoji-git&arg[]=icaclient&arg[]=isl&arg[]=jdownloader2&arg[]=jre&arg[]=jripper&arg[]=lib32-kmod&arg[]=libappindicator-gtk2&arg[]=libdbusmenu-glib&arg[]=libdbusmenu-gtk2&arg[]=libdbusmenu-gtk3&arg[]=libgcj15-bin&arg[]=libgcj16-bin&arg[]=libgcj17-bin&arg[]=libindicator-gtk2&arg[]=libindicator-gtk3&arg[]=libspotify&arg[]=libstdc%2b%2b296&arg[]=libzeitgeist&arg[]=masterpdfeditor&arg[]=mcrcon&arg[]=mediafrontpage-git&arg[]=minecraft&arg[]=pacaur-git&arg[]=package-query&arg[]=pdftk-bin&arg[]=perl-mail-imapclient&arg[]=perl-musicbrainz-discid&arg[]=perl-unicode-string&arg[]=perl-webservice-musicbrainz&arg[]=plex-media-server-plexpass&arg[]=python-fudge&arg[]=python-soundcloud-git&arg[]=python2-fudge&arg[]=python2-gntp-git&arg[]=python2-yenc&arg[]=sabnzbd&arg[]=sensors-lxpanel-plugin&arg[]=sickrage-git&arg[]=skype&arg[]=sonarr&arg[]=soundcloud-dl-git&arg[]=spigot-plugin-essentials&arg[]=spl-dkms&arg[]=spl-utils&arg[]=spotify-adkiller&arg[]=sublime-text-dev&arg[]=subnode-git&arg[]=subtitle-master&arg[]=ttf-ms-fonts&arg[]=ttf-opensans&arg[]=ttf-tahoma&arg[]=vimeo-dl-git&arg[]=wallpapy&arg[]=webilder-gtk-patched&arg[]=winusb&arg[]=xboxdrv&arg[]=xfce4-hardware-monitor-plugin&arg[]=xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin-git&arg[]=yaourt&arg[]=youtube-dl-gui-git&arg[]=zfs-dkms&arg[]=zfs-utils'
And also:
json_verify <<< $(curl -sfg --compressed -C 0 '[]=adduser&arg[]=adobe-air&arg[]=adobe-air-sdk&arg[]=android-sdk-platform-tools&arg[]=backdrop-randomizer&arg[]=byobu&arg[]=castnow-git&arg[]=clearlooks-colors-gtk-theme&arg[]=clearlooks-phenix-gtk-theme&arg[]=couchpotato-git&arg[]=cower-git&arg[]=craftbukkit-spigot&arg[]=darktable-git&arg[]=ephifonts&arg[]=filebot&arg[]=geoclue&arg[]=google-chrome&arg[]=gtk-clearlooks-compact&arg[]=gtk2-ubuntu&arg[]=gtkhotkey&arg[]=hsetroot&arg[]=ibus-uniemoji-git&arg[]=icaclient&arg[]=isl&arg[]=jdownloader2&arg[]=jre&arg[]=jripper&arg[]=lib32-kmod&arg[]=libappindicator-gtk2&arg[]=libdbusmenu-glib&arg[]=libdbusmenu-gtk2&arg[]=libdbusmenu-gtk3&arg[]=libgcj15-bin&arg[]=libgcj16-bin&arg[]=libgcj17-bin&arg[]=libindicator-gtk2&arg[]=libindicator-gtk3&arg[]=libspotify&arg[]=libstdc%2b%2b296&arg[]=libzeitgeist&arg[]=masterpdfeditor&arg[]=mcrcon&arg[]=mediafrontpage-git&arg[]=minecraft&arg[]=pacaur-git&arg[]=package-query&arg[]=pdftk-bin&arg[]=perl-mail-imapclient&arg[]=perl-musicbrainz-discid&arg[]=perl-unicode-string&arg[]=perl-webservice-musicbrainz&arg[]=plex-media-server-plexpass&arg[]=python-fudge&arg[]=python-soundcloud-git&arg[]=python2-fudge&arg[]=python2-gntp-git&arg[]=python2-yenc&arg[]=sabnzbd&arg[]=sensors-lxpanel-plugin&arg[]=sickrage-git&arg[]=skype&arg[]=sonarr&arg[]=soundcloud-dl-git&arg[]=spigot-plugin-essentials&arg[]=spl-dkms&arg[]=spl-utils&arg[]=spotify-adkiller&arg[]=sublime-text-dev&arg[]=subnode-git&arg[]=subtitle-master&arg[]=ttf-ms-fonts&arg[]=ttf-opensans&arg[]=ttf-tahoma&arg[]=vimeo-dl-git&arg[]=wallpapy&arg[]=webilder-gtk-patched&arg[]=winusb&arg[]=xboxdrv&arg[]=xfce4-hardware-monitor-plugin&arg[]=xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin-git&arg[]=yaourt&arg[]=youtube-dl-gui-git&arg[]=zfs-dkms&arg[]=zfs-utils')
Ok that's weird, I tried that command and got no output so I thought it might be some package in the argument stopping it. After playing around I thought it might be sickrage (which I have replaced with sonarr anyway) so I removed it but I thought the issue was still occuring after playing around with the curl command to try and find other packages that may be causing issues, I had a mix of error and success. Now everything is working even the original curl command
I am still interested in knowing if this is a pacaur bug or not. Which package made the curl call fails?
Ok so now it's not working again now, I wonder if it has more to do with my somewhat dodgy internet connection and my playing managed to cache something trying fewer packages.
Any news on this? In any case, it seems the issue is on your end. Nothing I can do about.
When I do a pacaur -Syu or -Sau I get
: Starting AUR upgrade... :: Could not connect to the AUR :: Could not connect to the AUR :: adduser is not present in AUR -- skipping :: adobe-air is not present in AUR -- skipping :: adobe-air-sdk is not present in AUR -- skipping :: android-sdk-platform-tools is not present in AUR -- skipping :: backdrop-randomizer is not present in AUR -- skipping :: byobu is not present in AUR -- skipping :: castnow-git is not present in AUR -- skipping :: clearlooks-colors-gtk-theme is not present in AUR -- skipping :: clearlooks-phenix-gtk-theme is not present in AUR -- skipping :: couchpotato-git is not present in AUR -- skipping :: cower-git is not present in AUR -- skipping :: craftbukkit-spigot is not present in AUR -- skipping *_snip_
however if I do cower -u it gives a list of packages to be updated cower -u :: xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin-git ->
which I can upgrade manually with pacaur -u xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin-git