rmartz / suggestion-api

API service for suggesting options based on a user's selections
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Automatically push to AWS ECR on merge to master #19

Closed rmartz closed 4 years ago

rmartz commented 4 years ago

As part of the ultimate goal of #8, we would like to track our container images in AWS ECR. This adds functionality for that, versioning both by date and latest each time a change is merged into master.

Multiple merges in a day will leave containers orphaned, though, so it may be desirable to use TRAVIS_COMMIT or git rev-parse --short HEAD to incorporate the git hash with the day version so each deploy is unique. This isn't 100% optimal, though, since it means that multiple deploys in a day aren't trivially sortable. A optimal choice would work locally as well as in Travis, and allow multiple deploys to be sorted in the correct order. Incorporating the time of deploy may accomplish that, but feels unnecessarily verbose.