rmcanany / SolidEdgeHousekeeper

Utility for finding annoying little errors in your Solid Edge project
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Refactor default template usage selection to task settings #137

Open ChrisClems opened 1 day ago

ChrisClems commented 1 day ago

I started to type this up in the beta tester thread but figured it would be more appropriate to raise it here.

It sounds like Robin was missing that they had to press the Copy button to propagate the material template set in the config to the relevant tasks. I also missed this at first glance when trying to recreate the issue.

I think it would be more inherently intuitive to move this to auto-update via a checkbox in the task.

That is to say, under "Check material not in material table" task settings, above the Matl Table text box, there would be a checkbox to specify that the user would like to use the material table specified in the Config/Templates tab. When checked, the material table for the task would updates from the path specified in the templates, and again on every TextBoxMaterialTable_TextChanged event.

I know this is a bit more complicated to maintain as it must be added to each task, but I think it will be more intuitive for the users.


rmcanany commented 1 day ago

Yeah, that's a good idea. I was thinking about a warning dialog on the templates page, but I like your solution more. There are only like three commands that use templates. It won't take long. I'm on it! Thank you!