rmcanany / SolidEdgeHousekeeper

Utility for finding annoying little errors in your Solid Edge project
MIT License
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Draft Print: Select printer based on sheet size #62

Closed rmcanany closed 7 months ago

rmcanany commented 7 months ago

@n0minus38 Can you think up any way to have housekeeper single out any dft files that are on 'D' sized sheets and print only those ones? I'm needing a way to make sure that I print off any D sized prints in a project and can't really think of a way other than cycle through thumbnails in windows explorer and keep an eye out for an obvious change in the size of title block

rmcanany commented 7 months ago

SolidEdgeDraft.Sheet.SheetSetup SolidEdgeDraft.SheetSetup SolidEdgeDraft.PaperSizeConstants

AddSheet(pSheet As SolidEdgeDraft.Sheet) Member of SolidEdgeDraft.DraftPrintUtility

rmcanany commented 7 months ago

Need to add checks in CheckStartConditions().

rmcanany commented 7 months ago
