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Random Effect in Zero-Inflated Model #420

Closed FishModeler closed 6 days ago

FishModeler commented 8 months ago

Hello! I am using a zero-inflated model. I need to add year as a random effect. I am having issues getting my model to run. Here is my current code:

PredatorFishCountL2<-rnorm(12067,.12,.23) PreyFishCountL2<-rnorm(12067,.28,1.04) yearr<-c(sample(1:12,12067,replace=TRUE)) FinalTBData2<-data.frame(PredatorFishCountL2,PreyFishCountL2,yearr)

Model1GTB<- ulam( alist( PredatorFishCountL2 ~ dzipois(pbar,lamba), logit(pbar) <- z1, log(lamba)<-a + d*PreyFishCountL2+a_yearr[yearr], a ~ dnorm(0.26,0.44), d ~ dnorm(1.3,2.5), z1~rnorm(1.85,2.76), a_yearr[yearr]~dunif(6,sigma1), sigma1~dunif(0,10) ), data =FinalTBData2, start=list(z1=1,a=0,d=0), iter=3000,warmup=2000,chains =3, cores = 6, log_lik = TRUE )

I receive the following error: Error in new_symbols[[left_name]]$dims[[1]] : object of type 'symbol' is not subsettable

Any ideas? Thank you in advance:)