rmcelreath / rethinking

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ulam fits missing @stanfit slot? #427

Closed jebyrnes closed 3 months ago

jebyrnes commented 3 months ago

I was working with rethinking for a demo, and found that there is no longer anything in the @stanfit slot with ulam models? Here's a reprex. Using rethinking 2.4.0, cmdstanr 0.7.1,


reedfrogs$d <- scale(reedfrogs$density) |> as.numeric()

reed_bb_mod <- alist(
  # likelihood
  surv ~ dbetabinom(density, prob, theta),

  # DGP
  logit(prob) <- a + b*d,

  # priors
  a ~ dnorm(0,2),
  b ~ dnorm(0,2),
  theta ~ dexp(1)

reed_bb_fit <- ulam(reed_bb_mod, 
                    data=reedfrogs[,c("d", "density", "surv")], 
                    chains = 3)


which yields

Error: no slot of name "stanfit" for this object of class "ulam"

I checked what slots are there

> slotNames(reed_bb_fit)
[1] "call"           "model"          "coef"          
[4] "vcov"           "data"           "start"         
[7] "pars"           "formula"        "formula_parsed"
rmcelreath commented 3 months ago

Since the revision that made cmdstanr default, ulam is using attributes for the model objects. You can still extract, but it could be either stanfit or cstanfit, depending upon the call. See: https://github.com/rmcelreath/rethinking/blob/master/R/ulam-function.R#L1547

jebyrnes commented 3 months ago
