rmcgibbo / slidedeck

Beautiful HTML5 slides in markdown. A easy-to-use fork of the google-io-2012 slide deck
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Check and convert EOL encoding of slides.md #42

Closed bastelflp closed 8 years ago

bastelflp commented 8 years ago

Check and convert EOL encoding

While using slidedeck on Windows x64, editing slides.md with notepad++, the slides were not rendered correctly with slidedeck render, output was always:

Parsed slide deck settings, and found setting for: author, title, contact. Compiled 1 slides.

although I had more slides. The resulting index.html also was broken (missing and mixing slides and content).

This pull request checks for Dos\Windows line encoding \r\n and converts it to UNIX style \n directly after reading slides.md, as the subsequent detection of slides in slides.md is based on \n newlines.

rmcgibbo commented 8 years ago

Cool, thanks.

bastelflp commented 8 years ago
