Syntactic Structures in Memes
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Project Update 04/04/2019 #12

Open rmf96 opened 5 years ago

rmf96 commented 5 years ago

Project Update 04/04/2019

Things we did this week:

For next week:

MLuckman commented 5 years ago

It seems like you've done a lot of work in the site and marking up the xml documents. Have you pulled any of the data yet? Do you have an idea of what conclusions you'll be able to draw from the data?

engeljonathan98 commented 5 years ago

Hey, just playing around with the site just now. I really like the aesthetic: cool colors and the orange lines on either side of the colored divs make it feel really "tactile", like two plates on a table. Cool implicit metaphor.

My question is: have you thought about color blind testing or other disabilities aide at all? The gray with black text, in particular, might be hard to see. Not sure.

I addressed those concerns just this week for our project. I was able to find a little program to help me choose colorblind friendly colors with this website: http://colorsafe.co/

rmf96 commented 5 years ago

@MLuckman We are in the process of pulling data right now. We are thinking that we will most likely see a significant number of null subjects within the memes.

@engeljonathan98 We absolutely had not thought of that but thank you so much for bringing that to our attention! We are going straight to that website this week and adding it to one of our goals for our weekly meeting. Great insight!!