Syntactic Structures in Memes
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Project Update #3 #3

Open rmf96 opened 5 years ago

rmf96 commented 5 years ago

So this week we were finally able to completely narrow down exactly what it is that we are going to look at with regards to memes and meme culture within our generation. After a lot of deliberation and discussion with multiple resources, we decided to look generally at memes, their syntax, and their relation to the syntax in both the English language and other languages around the world. More specifically, we are looking for occurrences of Subject Drop / Null Subjects within solely textual memes. We are going to do preliminary research on this phenomenon within spoken word in the English language and a few others (possibly Spanish) to present initial information about Subject Drop, and then expand that already researched knowledge in to memes, which tend to walk the line between written and spoken word structure. This could be very interesting for linguistic and even non-linguistic researches to view and understand, because memes tend to both be heavily impacted by spoken word, while also causing impact upon the spoken word, especially among people in our generation. The data that we will be collecting in this project will mostly be how many instances there are of Subject Drop and how that compares to that of spoken word. We have also narrowed our meme sources down to Tumblr, Reddit, and Twitter.

khuber116 commented 5 years ago

It looks like you have a really solid idea of what you'll be looking at. All that I wanted to ask is, have you discussed what you'll be doing once you've selected all of your materials? How will you be dividing up the work and handling the analysis, site building, etc? Other than that it seems like you have a really strong grasp on the topic and what questions need to be asked. I'm sure the analysis portion of your project is going to go very well because of this early work.

AncientGreekGeek commented 5 years ago

Your research question has developed really well and it's cool to see how you have defined your focus! You mentioned that you will be looking at memes in a couple of other languages besides English and just to clarify, do you plan on including a comparative study between them in your final project?