Syntactic Structures in Memes
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Project Update 03/07 #6

Open rmf96 opened 5 years ago

rmf96 commented 5 years ago

We are finally up and running! This week, there were a lot of important goals that were met.

Here's what they were:

Additionally, we accomplished a few things at our meeting as well:

What are our midterm goals, you ask?

We are very happy to finally be comfortable with exactly what our research question is and how we will be approaching the data and code. Very excited to hit the ground running!

khuber116 commented 5 years ago

It looks like your team has a really solid midterm plan that's not entirely dissimilar to my group. We are also aiming to have our entire corpus marked up and associated with our schema. It seems like you've set some pretty attainable tasks and you've divided up the work well. I'm glad things are going so well for you guys.

MLuckman commented 5 years ago

You've made some seriously solid progress on the markup, but it doesn't entirely seem to correspond with the schema (I don't see a frag element in the schema for example). Also in Brian-XML-1 there is a mistake in transcription, you put "words" instead of "works." Good progress though!

MJB288 commented 5 years ago

You have some solid goals for your midterm, and the fact that you are confident about hitting them speaks volumes. I don't imagine you would, but do you have any plans to create additional schemas, particularly with schematron? I don't think you'll need it, but good luck on reaching your midterm goals.

BenBavar commented 5 years ago

My team has created one basic, generic schema to which we are adding as we make progress on our markup and come up with different tags to include. But before reading your update, it did not occur to me that it could be a good idea for us to make multiple schemas. We had been worrying that we would not be able to make one schema that was appropriate for all of our XML files, which due to our different interests are going to have different tags. If we can just have different schemas, though, that will not be an issue. And I see no reason why, in the end, our markup files all have to abide by a shared schema.