In this PR, I integrated the yan 2023 homotopic parcellation proposed here with multiple resolutions (from 100 to 1000 parcels) matched with Kong 17 networks. follows similar setup as
To give the user the flexibility to select the resolution desired, I added an argument in the _load_hcpparcellation . However, in this PR, as a consequence, the user needs to load the parcellation using the function instead of the preloaded setup.
In this PR, I integrated the yan 2023 homotopic parcellation proposed here with multiple resolutions (from 100 to 1000 parcels) matched with Kong 17 networks. follows similar setup as
To give the user the flexibility to select the resolution desired, I added an argument in the _load_hcpparcellation . However, in this PR, as a consequence, the user needs to load the parcellation using the function instead of the preloaded setup.
HTML examples for the loaded parcellations for all resolutions are provided in the _parcellationexamples directory.