rmojgani / RLonKorali

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Spatially periodic policies #5

Open rmojgani opened 1 year ago

rmojgani commented 1 year ago

Hi @wadaniel ,

I am thinking of a property of the policy that you might have thought about before, so decided to share my thoughts with you.

I have a one action per agent policy implemented, but then realized probably my policy should also be periodic, as my spatial domain is doubly periodic.

I think this should appear in my upsampling function: https://github.com/rmojgani/RLonKorali/blob/39d21132f01917fea1ab455a6ebadb43079d6046/experiments/flowControl_turb_code/_model/turb.py#L472

this is what I mean: below is an image of contour plot of forcing, but as you can see the values on left and right of the domain are not continuous, but I was expecting them to be (since my domain is periodic)


Let me know what you think

wadaniel commented 1 year ago

Hi, yes thats a good observation and I did this aswell. you must take care of it in the upsampling procedure (with upsampling, you mean interpolation on the finer grid, right?)

rmojgani commented 1 year ago

Hi, (with upsampling, you mean interpolation on the finer grid, right?) yes.

I am thinking of passing through a periodic map, e.g., sin(x) and sin(y), any better ideas ?

wadaniel commented 1 year ago

Hm I thought this could be handled much easier and just linearly interpolate the most right and the most left stencils on the coarse grid to introduce periodicity in x?

rmojgani commented 8 months ago

This is the update : https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1JBs71VmJHwWQ89q3kAlLpyVON6CFVrUZ?usp=sharing