rmorse / search-filter

Search & Filter is a simple search and filtering plugin for WordPress
GNU General Public License v2.0
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I have a super big problem with custom layout and search&filter pro plugin. #74

Open awesome1128 opened 1 year ago

awesome1128 commented 1 year ago


As you can see my video, custom layout is not working with custom post fields.

If you believe , your custom layout plugin is not a professional and working, then I have another idea below.

I have placed searchfilter shortcode into my page, but I don't want to use a shortcode for displaying results.

Just want to use a shortcode for filtering options.

So I have put this shortcode only.

[searchandfilter id="10720"]

I will put my custom shortcode instead of your shortcode for data display. In this case, I have a problem. Actually, I want to get parameter data once I clicked Submit button, so that I can pass the filter parameters to my custom shortcode. In my custom shortcode, I use WP_Query. I have already my custom shortcode.

I have reviewed all your document, but there is no any filter or action that matched my request. searchandfilter.com/documentation/action-filter-reference/ searchandfilter.com/documentation/accessing-search-data/

Please see my screenshot. prnt.sc/XrwBSMdutb9a

Let's say.

  1. I choose Brand or Website or Price or Sort Results By options.
  2. Hit Apply Filter button. At this moment, I saw url has changed with parameter I selected. I want to get these parameters. In order to do this, I think, I need a filter or action from your plugin, so I can place it into the functions.php file. Then when I click Apply Filter button, your filter or action will call my custom function, then my custom function will pass parameters to my shortcode or something like that.

Did you understand? Please let me know, thanks!

awesome1128 commented 1 year ago

I tried with this already.


But I don't believe, it will work for me.

Otherwise, I have another idea.

I want to use your "custom layout" plugin, but it is not working well.

Please see this video.


I want you to fix this plugin with helping me.

If you don't help me, you will not be available for weekend, I am not a lazy guy, I can't spend / waste my valuable time and day to wait.

Please Please Please Please Please help me.

