We have upgraded rails(5.2.3 to 6.1.6), graphiql-rails(1.7.0 to 1.8.0), and graphql(1.9.14 to 2.0.14) versions recently
All our active record models and graphql types, and query models are virtual models means which are generated on application start
We have configurable webhooks feature, means we can have create/update/delete webhooks which will be triggered on after_create_commit, after_update_commit and before_destroy and the webhook payload is fetching using graphiql query. Application is getting freeze when it triggers grphiql query. The resolver method is like below
# GraphQL::ObjectType.define do
Class.new(Types::BaseObject) do
graphql_name 'Query'
description 'The root of all queries'
include GraphQL::Types::Relay::HasNodeField
include GraphQL::Types::Relay::HasNodesField
SchemaControl::SchemaBuilder.database_models.each do |model|
model_name = model.name.demodulize
field model_name.underscore.downcase.to_sym, "Types::#{model.name.demodulize}Type".classify.constantize, camelize: false, null: true do
argument :id, GraphQL::Types::ID, required: true
def resolve(obj, args, ctx)
ctx_attributes = ctx.to_h.with_indifferent_access
input_args = args.to_h.with_indifferent_access
## Application getting freeze at below line
model = "SchemaControl::Model::#{self.name.singularize.classify}".classify.constantize
model.where({id: input_args[:id]}.merge(ctx_attributes[:access_control_column].present? ? {ctx_attributes[:access_control_column] => ctx_attributes[:access_control_id]} : {}) ).first
This was working fine with older version but giving no error but application is not responding(freezing) after upgrade.
We have upgraded rails(5.2.3 to 6.1.6), graphiql-rails(1.7.0 to 1.8.0), and graphql(1.9.14 to 2.0.14) versions recently
All our active record models and graphql types, and query models are virtual models means which are generated on application start
We have configurable webhooks feature, means we can have create/update/delete webhooks which will be triggered on after_create_commit, after_update_commit and before_destroy and the webhook payload is fetching using graphiql query. Application is getting freeze when it triggers grphiql query. The resolver method is like below
This was working fine with older version but giving no error but application is not responding(freezing) after upgrade.
Any idea whats wrong in the code/approach ?