rmrector / script.artwork.beef

An add-on for Kodi to manage artwork
MIT License
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Central movieset location not working when movieset not on tmdb #60

Open hablaras opened 3 years ago

hablaras commented 3 years ago

I have this in settings.xml

<setting id="centraldir.set_dir">/var/media/MOVIES/moviesets/</setting>
<setting id="centraldir.set_enabled">true</setting>

And have a movieset for a movie in .NFO called XYZ, which is working in Kodi.

These files exist: /var/media/MOVIES/moviesets/xyz/poster.jpg /var/media/MOVIES/moviesets/xyz/clearlogo.png

But when using Manage -> AB: Add missing artwork on the movieset, it reports, "No artwork found. Missing something?"

The log reports that the set cannot be found on TMDb, which is correct. But it doesn't mention that it scanned (or tried to scan) the central folder:

== 2021-02-09 15:30:09: Processing list automatically 1 items in list - set: 1 == 2021-02-09 15:30:09: Processing set 'XYZ' Missing artwork: clearart, discart, fanart, poster, keyart, banner, landscape, clearlogo No artwork updated Encountered an error - Could not find movie set on TMDb

Is this the expected behaviour?

rmrector commented 3 years ago

That doesn't sound right. I'll take a look.

hablaras commented 3 years ago

Small update: