rmsrosa / nbbinder

Due to naming collision with Binder https://mybinder.org, this packaged has been archived and is survived by the renamed version NBJoint, at https://github.com/rmsrosa/nbjoint
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Naming collision #7

Closed betatim closed 4 years ago

betatim commented 4 years ago

Hey 👋,

nice work on this module and open-sourcing it! I saw it mentioned in https://discourse.jupyter.org/t/nbbinder-module-to-generate-table-of-contents-navigator-links-and-badge-links-for-a-collection-of-notebooks/3375/2

I am one of the people involved in Project Binder. Over the last three years we've been running mybinder.org which is based on https://github.com/jupyterhub/binderhub and allows people to start "binders" from their GitHub repositories.

I was wondering what Project Binder and you could do to avoid confusion about what nbbinder does and make sure people don't end up thinking it is related to mybinder.org and the "binders" people create there.

rmsrosa commented 4 years ago

Hello, @betatim, thanks for the comment.

Yeah, this similitude of the module names did cross my mind recently, but I was hoping it wouldn't be a big deal, since notebookbinder (i.e. bookbinder for Jupyter notebooks) is such a perfect name for what the module does.

But if it is, I have no problem changing the name of my module. Project Binder is well established and much more important, and it wouldn't be reasonable for that to have the name changed. I, myself, use mybinder.og extensively in my class, and I am very grateful to you and the other developers.

The difficult part is to come up with another good name. Do you think changing to nbbind or nbbinding would be sufficient? Or should I look into a different word derivative?


betatim commented 4 years ago

Finding alternatives is hard. For Binder we also have the problem that too many things are called "binder" and we've not been able to find good other names for them :-/

Some thoughts for words like bind but different: collection, staple, folder, anthology, Diwan, Omnibus, album, compendium, garland are some words I found that are somehow related to taking a set of existing pieces of work and combining them together.

I'll keep thinking.

rmsrosa commented 4 years ago

Thanks for thinking about some alternative names.

I just thought about a good one: nbcollate, but it is already taken in PyPI: nbcollate.

I also though about nbwrap, but it conflicts with nbwrapper.

I like your suggestion "staple", which would lead to nbstaple (I want the prefix nb to relate the module to Jupyter notebooks, of course), and I also came up with nbgather, nbassemble, and nbpack. All of them have one or more modules named with the corresponding name without the prefix: staple, gather, assemble, and many versions of pack.

But all of these later modules are not related to jupyter notebooks (contrarily to mybinder), so I guess it wouldn't be too much of a problem, right? Looking at PyPI there are many similar names of packages with unrelated aims.

EDIT: I also like nbcollect, a slight modification of your suggestion "collection". So, at the moment, I am leaning towards one of the following, in order of preference: nbcollect, nbassemble, nbstaple, and nbgather. The name nbstable has more to do with the module, but nbcollect and nbassemble sound better.

betatim commented 4 years ago

(The two hard problems in computing: cache invalidation and naming things. ... also off by one errors. 😂)

rmsrosa commented 4 years ago

Ok, after not thinking about this for a while, I finally decided to get over with this.

I thought about several names, but some of them had some chance of naming conflict with other packages, while others were not so good.

So I finally settled with nbjoint. It is not as good as others, but that is it.

One of the meanings of "joint", according to Merrian-Webster, is, as a verb, "to unite by a joint : fit together", so there it is.
