rnabioco / clustifyr-web-app

An R Shiny app to help with scRNA-seq benchmarking and analysis with clustifyr
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read.csv or read_tsv, pick one #15

Closed raysinensis closed 3 years ago

raysinensis commented 3 years ago

the readr versions are much faster, but potentially dangerous I'd say unify to readr::read_ for now, and then we often a checkbox for "keep rownames" or something like that

SidhantPuntambekar commented 3 years ago

So I think if we switch to the readr version of read_csv, the header and separator arguments in the current code become unusable. Not sure if read_csv has functionality for these parameters...

raysinensis commented 3 years ago

hmmm,, consider data.table::fread, which infers delim and header pretty well, and can be passed other parameters if needed. Also, somewhat faster than readr too? @kriemo