rnabioco / molb-7950

MOLB 7950: Informatics and Statistics for Molecular Biology
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Rework for 2023 #5

Closed jayhesselberth closed 1 year ago

jayhesselberth commented 1 year ago
jayhesselberth commented 1 year ago
jayhesselberth commented 1 year ago

What if we only did RNA sequencing, and just fleshed out the different types of analysis?

nmukherjee commented 1 year ago

That could work, though I'm a little on the fence about not getting into CHIP/cut-run. I think we could ditch DNase/MNase/ATAC.

However ditching DNA would allow additional focus on data integration, which is an important way for students to leverage other data sets to gain biological insights from their own experiments. Maybe we could still incorporate DNA level data at least, e.g. using chip-seq peaks to ask if a certain TF is associated with expression changes in their data set.

jayhesselberth commented 1 year ago

Consider introducing student-specific projects earlier (instead of the "final projects", which inevitably lead to a time crunch)

Get them thinking about external data sets they could analyze during the course of the class that would feed into their own projects. Easiest would be gene expression / RNA sequencing but could involve some chromatin analysis.

Related: mabye do the NCBI GEO lecture earlier in the course, in the bootcamp?

jayhesselberth commented 1 year ago

Fall 2023