rnadigital / agentcloud

Agent Cloud is like having your own GPT builder with a bunch extra goodies. The GUI features 1) RAG pipeline which can natively embed 260+ datasources 2) Create Conversational apps (like GPTs) 3) Create Multi Agent process automation apps (crewai) 4) Tools 5) Teams+user permissions. Get started fast with Docker and our install.sh
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Option for Vertex missing in the list of models (frontend) #250

Open charl3sj opened 1 week ago

charl3sj commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug We've added support for Gemini chat model via VertexAI in the backend but the corresponding frontend changes are missing.

Expected behavior User should be allowed to select Vertex and Gemini as a model.

Screenshots Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 1 02 23 PM

Refer https://github.com/rnadigital/agentcloud/blob/e19ff6c75f44acfd5cdead679ee7b3ac0481453d/agent-backend/src/models/mongo.py#L29 Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 1 11 34 PM

tomlynchRNA commented 1 week ago

@anada10 I remember now, this wasn't made available in frontend yet because vertex only takes credentials from an environment variable. We can't support users providing their own credentials: https://python.langchain.com/v0.2/docs/integrations/chat/google_vertex_ai_palm/#credentials

anada10 commented 1 week ago

@tomlynchRNA what if we use OAUTH for GCP instead?

tomlynchRNA commented 1 week ago

@anada10 I don't think so, it has to be the credentials (like credentials json). They make it pretty clear in their docs/code comments: image

But good news, I checked the ChatVertexAI source code in Google repo and found this:


So, turns out there is an undocumented option to pass the credentials directly just like other models :smile:

We need an update in the webapp and agent-backend to pass credentials, project and location:


cc @charl3sj