rnadigital / agentcloud

Agent Cloud is like having your own GPT builder with a bunch extra goodies. The GUI features 1) RAG pipeline which can natively embed 260+ datasources 2) Create Conversational apps (like GPTs) 3) Create Multi Agent process automation apps (crewai) 4) Tools 5) Teams+user permissions. Get started fast with Docker and our install.sh
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
421 stars 90 forks source link

Clone Apps, Tasks, Agents, Tools #254

Open anada10 opened 4 days ago

anada10 commented 4 days ago

Problem Currently if a user wants to make another version of an app/version/task they have to create new then copy and paste.

Solution Add Clone buttons on the following

When cloning apps users should be presented with a model which shows them all the dependencies of the app Agents, Models, Tasks, Tools And asks what they would like to clone and what they would like to map to existing

Interface idea CLONE / MAP TO EXISTING

... note if cloning Chat apps, three are no tasks.