rnc-archive / react-native-webgl

DEPRECATED: use expo-gl – Implements WebGL for react-native
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Update to CLANG and LLVM's libc++ Library #83

Closed JeremyMColegrove closed 5 years ago

JeremyMColegrove commented 5 years ago

According to Androids CLANG migration "https://android.googlesource.com/platform/ndk/+/master/docs/ClangMigration.md#how-to-fix-common-problems" upgrading to GCC is by removing "NDK_TOOLCHAIN" Also gnustl has been depreciated: "https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/cpp-support" But 'c++_static' works.' c++_shared' does not (this was just trial and error, correct me if I am wrong). LLVM's libc++ is the C++ standard library that has been used by the Android OS since Lollipop, and as of NDK r18 is the only STL available in the NDK

adbl commented 5 years ago

@Blakletter without this patch I'm not able to compile the library for the current versions: react-native 0.59.8 / NDK 19.2.5345600. But when trying to use it the app crashes, here are the relevant parts of the log I believe:

I/ReactNativeJS: Running application "GLTest" with appParams: {"rootTag":1}. __DEV__ === true, development-level warning are ON, performance optimizations are OFF
D/EGL_emulation: eglMakeCurrent: 0xe8986f80: ver 3 0 (tinfo 0xe89837b0)
D/: HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xd54740c0, tid 6068
D/EGL_emulation: eglCreateContext: 0xd5425b60: maj 3 min 0 rcv 3
D/EGL_emulation: eglMakeCurrent: 0xd5425b60: ver 3 0 (tinfo 0xd543d400)
E/EGL_emulation: tid 6068: eglSurfaceAttrib(1316): error 0x3009 (EGL_BAD_MATCH)
D/SoLoader: About to load: librnwebgl.so
    librnwebgl.so not found on /data/data/com.gltest/lib-main
    librnwebgl.so not found on /data/data/com.gltest/lib-0
    librnwebgl.so not found on /data/data/com.gltest/lib-1
    librnwebgl.so not found on /data/data/com.gltest/lib-2
    librnwebgl.so not found on /data/data/com.gltest/lib-3
D/SoLoader: librnwebgl.so not found on /data/data/com.gltest/lib-4
    librnwebgl.so not found on /data/data/com.gltest/lib-5
    librnwebgl.so not found on /data/data/com.gltest/lib-6
    librnwebgl.so not found on /data/data/com.gltest/lib-7
    librnwebgl.so not found on /data/data/com.gltest/lib-8
    librnwebgl.so not found on /data/data/com.gltest/lib-9
    librnwebgl.so not found on /data/data/com.gltest/lib-10
    librnwebgl.so not found on /data/data/com.gltest/lib-11
    librnwebgl.so found on /data/app/com.gltest-X0cmmKwNw8bkCscI-mPAkg==/lib/x86
    Not resolving dependencies for librnwebgl.so
D/SoLoader: Loaded: librnwebgl.so
A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x3ee4 in tid 6059 (mqt_js), pid 6013 (com.gltest)