rncbc / qtractor

Qtractor - An Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer
GNU General Public License v2.0
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qtractor session tracks export (to stereo ogg) is louder than live jack session playback for MIDI tracks #333

Closed be1 closed 2 years ago

be1 commented 2 years ago

I encounter a strange behavior of qtractor 0.9.26 (and seems the same in older versions) where audio session export is louder than the live session playback on MIDI LV2 instruments. Moreover, while I do not use automation, the volume seems to change on any clip start. I have small MIDI velocity changes from clips to clips and the live playback seems OK, but the audio export is generally louder.

If you need more info, feel free to ask. I can export my session to a zip file and give a link to it. Cheers.

be1 commented 2 years ago

Ok fine. I found that some MIDI clips had CC#7 changed to 100 sometimes. Then the export reveals the CC#7. It's strange that live playback doesn't.