rncbc / qtractor

Qtractor - An Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer
GNU General Public License v2.0
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First note in clip removed - ?Bug #446

Open TeamB12 opened 1 month ago

TeamB12 commented 1 month ago

Sometimes, the first note in a clip is not played. Double checked everything: switching plugin instrument will not solve the problem. Notes not being played is not so urgent. Qtractor is crashing from time to time without no reason (after completing plugin scan) - this is much more urgent, see my previous "bug report", here. Let's not expect too much ( or anything at all) and we will not be dissapointed. Main problem concerning Qtractor is stability - the dev is surely doing his best.

rncbc commented 1 month ago

like the others you issued, this is a too vague of a bug report;

please tell which versions, builds, packaging where did you get qtractor from, if not built from source, etc.

also, try to isolate the symptoms into a minimal session and post it for the issue to be reproduced (please save as .qtz to have all audio/midi files bundled accordingly; avoid any copyrighted material).

TeamB12 commented 1 month ago

thanks again for your thoughts. I am using the Qtractor Version that is provided by my package manager pacman - I am using Arch Linux. The version number is qtractor 0.9.39-4. Thanks for reminding me to isolate . As mentoned allready, I double checked, which means, I discovered these muted note maybe 2 weeks ago. I tried to change plugin instruments and the problem stayed the same,...so yes, it does not matter which plugin I am using, the first note is sometimes muted. I did isolate the problem: it was an empty Qtractor project with one midi track - so I am just a user, but it looks ,that it is not a problem of my hardware, nor of my operating system, nor of any plugin. The only thing that I did not change was using Qtractor...

TeamB12 commented 1 day ago

OS:Artix Linux, Init system: OpenRC, Kernel: Xorg, Jack1, Jack Audio Buffers: n1 p128 Qtractor Version 1.0 binary package from package manager. Issue: first note gets deleted - sorry, I thought first it was muted, but those notes seemed to be removed. The first note of a clip gets sometimes removed, this is a Bug Report! Different "things" seem to trigger the Bug - I ve recorded a Midi clip, then I saved and after that the first note was removed. So, just saving can trigger a Qtractor Bug that deletes the first note. I wonder why no one else has reported that. Summary: Qtractor 1.0 from Arch Linux Repository still shows this bug. If I am still too vague, please let me know and I will happily give all missing information.

rncbc commented 1 day ago

can you screencast the issue into a video or animated gif, please? what's the input source of the MIDI recording? a MIDI keyboard controller or something else? how it is connected to qtractor? alsa-midi, jack-midi, pipewire ?

TeamB12 commented 1 day ago

There is one usb midi keyboard connected - I have connected it with qjackctl. In Qjackctl I have selected no midi driver, so I hope its jack midi, that is used concerning midi. No pipewire, no pulse - I mean there are maybe libpipewire or libpulse installed for dependency reasons, but those are not started. Of course I can make a video - but you won't see more then I decribed. Little Problem, the first note removed problem is occurring quite rarely - so, it is no so easy to record it, but I will try.