rnd-team-dev / plotoptix

Data visualisation and ray tracing in Python based on OptiX 7.7 framework.
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Getting launch parameters from inside a on_rt_accum_done launched function #40

Closed vitalitylearning2021 closed 1 year ago

vitalitylearning2021 commented 1 year ago

Good day, I'm dealing with the following code:

import numpy as np
from plotoptix import TkOptiX
from plotoptix import NpOptiX
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

nu = 50
nv = 50

def displayResults(rt):

    print("Launch finished.")

    hitPositionsData = rt._hit_pos
    xHitPositions = hitPositionsData[:, :, 0]
    yHitPositions = hitPositionsData[:, :, 1]
    zHitPositions = hitPositionsData[:, :, 2]
    dHitPositions = hitPositionsData[:, :, 3]

    hitTriangle   = rt._geo_id[:, :, 1].reshape(rt._height, rt._width)

    print("Shape of rays array is {}.".format(xHitPositions.shape))

    print(xHitPositions.reshape(rt._height, rt._width))
    print(yHitPositions.reshape(rt._height, rt._width))

    xHitPositions = xHitPositions[hitTriangle < 0xFFFFFFFF]
    yHitPositions = yHitPositions[hitTriangle < 0xFFFFFFFF]
    dHitPositions[np.where(hitTriangle >= 0xFFFFFFFF)] = -1
    hitTriangle[np.where(hitTriangle >= 0xFFFFFFFF)] = 3

    print("Shape of hitting rays array is {}.".format(xHitPositions.shape))

    plt.plot(xHitPositions, yHitPositions, 'bo')




verticesTriangle    = np.array([[-2, -2, 0], [2, -2, 0], [-2, 2, 0], [2,  2, 0]])
faceTriangle        = np.array([[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3]])

rt                  = NpOptiX(on_rt_accum_done = displayResults, width = nu, height = nv)

rt.set_mesh("Mesh", verticesTriangle, faceTriangle)

u                   = np.linspace(-2, 2, nu)
v                   = np.linspace(-2, 2, nv)
V, U                = np.meshgrid(v, u)
W                   = np.full((nu, nv), -1)
originsTexture      = np.stack((U, V, W, np.zeros((nu, nv)))).T

rt.set_texture_2d("origins", originsTexture)

cx                  = np.zeros((nu, nv))
cy                  = np.zeros((nu, nv))
cz                  = np.ones((nu, nv))
r                   = np.full((nu, nv), 200)
directionsTexture   = np.stack((cx, cy, cz, r)).T

rt.set_texture_2d("directions", directionsTexture)

rt.setup_camera("custom_cam", cam_type = "CustomProjXYZtoDir", textures=["origins", "directions"])

rt.set_param(max_accumulation_frames = 1)



I would like now to recover some ray launch parameters from inside the displayResults function invoked on_rt_accum_done, for example, the ray origins u, v and w, or the ray directions directionsTexture. How could I access such data?

robertsulej commented 1 year ago

Hi, sorry for delay! Ray origins and directions uploaded as a texture are not available to readback later, but they are also not modified. The first accumulation frame has no jitter so in the code like above launch is using values directly from the texture.

vitalitylearning2021 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your answer. That closes the issue.