rnewman / clj-apache-http

Clojure HTTP library using the Apache HttpClient.
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Client certificate support in clj-apache-http #7

Open diamondap opened 13 years ago

diamondap commented 13 years ago


I forked the clj-apache-http project because I needed to add support for HTTPS connections that use x509 client certificates.

This code is working. If you want to pull it back in to clj-apache-http, please do. Since my experience with clojure is limited, you may want to take some time to review the code. One issue that I know exists is that you have to run lein compile on NaiveTrustManager.clj and PermissiveHostnameVerifier.clj before you can use them. That's not really standard practice.

Anyway, if this is helpful, please feel free to add it to your project.


Andrew Diamond Hotelicopter.com