rnhmjoj / category-theory-for-programmers

E-book version of Bartosz Milewski's blog post series
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Add a .mobi version for Kindles? #2

Open davidmyersdev opened 7 years ago

davidmyersdev commented 7 years ago

Would it be possible for you to create a .mobi version as well? I'm not sure what the process is to properly convert it, otherwise I would submit a PR.

rnhmjoj commented 7 years ago

Not without an additional conversion: the e-book is generated with Pandoc, which can only output (as standalone formats) PDF or ePUB files. I'm not familiar with the mobipocket format: the only tool I could find to do this job is KindleGen but it's non-free software with an EULA so I'm definitely not going to use it in the makefile. You could do the conversion on your own if you wish.

davidmyersdev commented 7 years ago

The binary is available for download without signing an EULA: http://kindlegen.s3.amazonaws.com/kindlegen_linux_2.6_i386_v2_9.tar.gz.

I suppose I understand the worry though, so if you don't think it makes sense to offer it here, feel free to close the issue.
