rniemeyer / knockout-jqAutocomplete

knockout-jqAutocomplete is a Knockout.js plugin designed to work with jQuery UI's autocomplete widget.
MIT License
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Default Text for Input does not display labelProp #10

Closed rposener closed 9 years ago

rposener commented 9 years ago

On Initialization, the labelProp is not shown when binding to an array of Objects. This provides an odd behavior. I have this fiddle to demonstrate: http://jsfiddle.net/rposener/z0gbokb2/3/ - the Expected text in the input should be "Year 2000" when binding initialization is done, as that is what is shown when that value is selected.

rposener commented 9 years ago

I have submitted a pull request for further discussion / review about how to fix this.

rniemeyer commented 9 years ago

@rposener - thanks. I was just starting to look at the changes needed and they were basically what you have. Will add a couple of comments on the PR.

rniemeyer commented 9 years ago

Thanks this one has been merged.