rniemeyer / knockout-jqAutocomplete

knockout-jqAutocomplete is a Knockout.js plugin designed to work with jQuery UI's autocomplete widget.
MIT License
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Having issues getting this to work in a foreach, could you include an example? #27

Closed vermeerdirk closed 7 years ago

vermeerdirk commented 7 years ago

When I use the basic example outside a foreach it works perfectly, inside a foreach i get an exception during jqauto.init (unwrapping fails)

Unable to process binding "foreach: function (){return ...

input data-bind="jqAuto: { value: myValue, source: myOptions }" : processbinding exception input data-bind="jqAuto: { value: $data.myValue, source: myOptions }" :processbinding exception

vermeerdirk commented 7 years ago

argh..got it: source:$root.myOptions