rniemeyer / knockout-jqAutocomplete

knockout-jqAutocomplete is a Knockout.js plugin designed to work with jQuery UI's autocomplete widget.
MIT License
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Option discard 'select' function #3

Open tolgahanaltinok opened 10 years ago

tolgahanaltinok commented 10 years ago


i coundnt use 'select' options from jqAutocomplete to assing a function.

tolgahanaltinok commented 10 years ago

i think there is a problem at line 23" ko.utils.extend(config, options.options);"

rniemeyer commented 10 years ago

can you show me how you are binding or throw something in a jsFiddle? I would be happy to take a look.

tolgahanaltinok commented 10 years ago


i want to clean textbox and add selected element to array, just after selection of element.

im very appreciate for your help and library:)

tolgahanaltinok commented 10 years ago

hi, again... i made a few mistake on fiddler. i rewrited it, so could u check it for me?