rniemeyer / knockout-jqAutocomplete

knockout-jqAutocomplete is a Knockout.js plugin designed to work with jQuery UI's autocomplete widget.
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Update knockout-jqAutocomplete.spec.js #31

Closed nateous closed 7 years ago

nateous commented 7 years ago

If the test passes with 2000, then shouldn't the test read "override local options with global"? I would think that it would override global (instance.options) with local (passed into init), but at least this fixes the test wording. Or am I not understanding which is local and which is global?

rniemeyer commented 7 years ago

@nateous - thanks for pointing out this issue. The test should have been passing options: { delay: 1000 } to the binding and the result should be that the local option overrode the global one, so you were right that that was the intention. I appreciate your time in pointing this out and submitting this one. I fixed the test.