rniemeyer / knockout-sortable

A Knockout.js binding to connect observableArrays with jQuery UI sortable functionality
MIT License
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When Sortable is in template, it is not working #136

Closed martinpare closed 9 years ago

martinpare commented 9 years ago

I try to put a Sortable div within a template but it is not working. Please help. jsFiddle (from the simple Tasks example): http://jsfiddle.net/martinpare/8wosujL8/

Thanks in advance.

rniemeyer commented 9 years ago

The comments / text nodes inside of your template are causing issues. If you try a newer version of the sortable plugin, then it should be resolved. Here is your fiddle with a newer verison: http://jsfiddle.net/rniemeyer/gmmgvk24/ . Hope that helps!

martinpare commented 9 years ago

Thanks. You solved the problem.