Given that in its current form, the program runs over a large—and often variable—stretch of time, it would be useful to have a built-in feature for running post-execution scripts. For example: clean-up scripts; notification scripts; etc. A list of script names could be included in the configuration file, and script files with those names could be placed in a select directory. When the program finishes its execution, either successfully or in error, the script files can be run in order of the incidence of their names in the configuration file.
Given that in its current form, the program runs over a large—and often variable—stretch of time, it would be useful to have a built-in feature for running post-execution scripts. For example: clean-up scripts; notification scripts; etc. A list of script names could be included in the configuration file, and script files with those names could be placed in a select directory. When the program finishes its execution, either successfully or in error, the script files can be run in order of the incidence of their names in the configuration file.
Sample XML: