rnovacek / homeassistant_cz_energy_spot_prices

Home Assistant integration that provides current Czech electricity spot prices based on OTE.
Apache License 2.0
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Transition to a 15-minute settlement period for the electricity commodity from July 1, 2024 in the Czech Republic #52

Open klubalo opened 6 days ago

klubalo commented 6 days ago

Any new about this?

EN: https://www.ote-cr.cz/en/documentation/electricity-documentation/information-to-switch-to-15-min-interval CZ: https://www.ote-cr.cz/cs/dokumentace/dokumentace-elektrina/15minut

rnovacek commented 6 days ago

If I understand it right (and correct me here please), those changes doesn't affect SPOT electricity trading for us end users for now. One of the presentations on OTE pages linked above says:

Granularita produktů na DT zůstává od 1. 7. 2024 beze změny – na DT bude možno obchodovat pouze 60min. produkty (možnost obchodovat 60min. a 15min. produkty se očekává až od Q1/2025)

So there will be an option to use 15min products from Q1 next year. For now, we'll continue to use DT (denní trh = daily market) with 60min period.