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Main rnpgp website links to a 404 blog post for Google Season of docs proposal blog post link. #62

Closed geekpete closed 11 months ago

geekpete commented 11 months ago


Main web page links to a blog post url that 404s.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. go to https://rnpgp.org/
  2. scroll down to the section that reads:

    Technical writer? Please take a look at RNP docs on GitHub and read our Google Season of Docs proposal blog post, contributions are appreciated!

  3. Click the Google Season of docs proposal blog post link.
  4. hit a 404 at url https://rnpgp.org/blog/2021-03-26/rnp-gsod-2021/

Expected Behavior

The link for Google Season of Docs proposal blog post should likely go to https://rnpgp.org/blog/2021-03-26-rnp-gsod-2021/

What is the expected behavior?

Actual Behavior

What behavior did you observe instead?

404 error: https://rnpgp.org/blog/2021-03-26/rnp-gsod-2021/



ronaldtse commented 11 months ago

@geekpete Oh my that's terrible. Thank you for finding out!

@kwkwan can you please help fix this ASAP? Thanks.