rnystrom / RNFrostedSidebar

A Control Center-esque control with blurred background and toggle animations.
MIT License
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No animation when selecting an image from the sidebar #34

Open massdonati opened 10 years ago

massdonati commented 10 years ago


I followed your steps:

-(RNFrostedSidebar *) sideBar {
  if (!_sideBar) {
    _indexSet = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:1];
    _images = @[[UIImage imageNamed:@"fixing_tools"],
                [UIImage imageNamed:@"red_cross"],
                [UIImage imageNamed:@"settings"],
    _colors = @[[UIColor greenColor],
                [UIColor whiteColor],
                [UIColor yellowColor]
    _sideBar = [[RNFrostedSidebar alloc] initWithImages:_images selectedIndices:self.indexSet borderColors:_colors];
    _sideBar.delegate = self;
  return _sideBar;
-(void)sidebar:(RNFrostedSidebar *)sidebar didTapItemAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
  [[[WFAppDelegate sharedDelegate] window] setRootViewController:[self.controllers objectAtIndex:index]];

-(void)sidebar:(RNFrostedSidebar *)sidebar didEnable:(BOOL)itemEnabled itemAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index  {

  if (itemEnabled) {
    [self.indexSet addIndex:index];
  else {
    [self.indexSet removeIndex:index];

But nothing happens.

skull-squadron commented 10 years ago

A similar setup is animating in a production dev env (iOS 7.1 + XCode 5.1.1)

Got all the right frameworks, esp. QuartzCore?