ro-savage / react-scripts-cssmodules

Enable CSS Modules for Create-React-App using the official CRA api
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Request: put localIdentName on the command line #12

Closed gregsandell closed 5 years ago

gregsandell commented 5 years ago

The localIdentName that zero-configuration react-scripts-cssmodules provides is much too bulky for me, and I would like to simplify it considerably. (Not that it matters, but for myself I am thinking of using [hash:base64:5]_[local]) . I don't want to eject, so can the script be modified to give us control over localIdentName? Thanks

ro-savage commented 5 years ago

This repo exactly replicates CRA v2.0's implementation of CSS Modules. If you wish to change it, you'll need to make an issue in CRA and have it approved.