ro-savage / react-scripts-cssmodules

Enable CSS Modules for Create-React-App using the official CRA api
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Prevent build errors with many small css modules #2

Closed terebentina closed 6 years ago

terebentina commented 6 years ago

There's a problem when building from a codebase that is using many small css modules - you get something like

Failed to compile.
Order in extracted chunk undefined

when you run build. A "manual" solution would be to combine all small css modules (links.module.css, buttons.module.css, etc) into a single one (say, styles.module.css) and only compose from that one. It would be a shame to, though. ExtractTextPlugin has a fix for this namely the ignoreOrder: true option. See Discussion with the fix: Comment with the "manual" fix:

ro-savage commented 6 years ago

Thanks for this @terebentina and providing all the details. I will release an updated version in the next 24hrs.

We also need to add this to the cssmodules PR on facebookincubator/create-react-app#2285.

You can also do a PR to my branch if you'd like the commit to CRA, otherwise I will add it myself.

ro-savage commented 6 years ago

@terebentina - I am a bit worried about how this might affect people who are not using cssmodules.

I don't understand enough about extract-text-webpack-plugin and webpack to know how important the order is for regular css. (E.g. If it means some styles will get overwritten incorrectly, or if it totally breaks some imports, etc).

ro-savage commented 6 years ago

New version released as react-scripts-cssmodules@1.0.171

I've separated the cssmodules and regular css ExtractTextPlugin(), to allow for different configs while I wait for feedback.

terebentina commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I was wondering about that too so I read more about that flag and did a few tests with just css. I didn't get any unexpected results, even with circular dependencies between the css files. Without ignoreOrder I got the message above for circular deps (with css @import) but with it I got the results I expected. I can't say I did exhaustive tests though so your approach is safer.

Anyway, it all boils down to the modules sort order: Normally the css files are added into the final output css in the order they are seen by the compiler (import order - so if you import from './b.css' then import from './a.css' then the contents of b.css will come before a.css in the output) but with this flag set they might be in "identifier" order (lines 24-27) so a.css before b.css