roaldarbol / animovement

An R toolbox for analysing animal movement across space and time
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Supported kinematics and statistics #30

Open roaldarbol opened 1 week ago

roaldarbol commented 1 week ago

What should we include in our summary statistics? Should we always provide both central estimates and uncertainty estimates? Here's a list of potential ideas.

Also, I think it would make sense to have the ability to generate different summaries that require different information, something along the lines of:

For position, pose and social, we need to think of a good way of making a general solution that handles relational information.




Summary statistics

See e.g. Joo et al (2019) for a wide range of possibilities. Also in the MARS paper

Statistical measures

I think it's worth considering whether these should all be possible to use. E.g. velocities will necessarily not follow a Gaussian, so median + a measure of dispersion (MAD or some range) will likely always be preferable.

Movement metrics




There are a bunch of measures that basically describe the path straightness, which have gathered interest in relation to search/movement patterns in particular (random walks, Levy walks, etc.). Different authors use different terms for them (path straightness, sinuosity, tortuosity), so I think it's best to pinpoint the first paper to describe each metric and use the author and year as their name.


Are there other things I've missed that would be of interest? Also happy to think of relational summaries (e.g. distance between two individuals or an individual and an object, or time inside ROI, distance between keypoints), but maybe that would best be its own function.