roam-ai / roam-flutter

Flutter Location SDK. High accuracy and battery efficient location SDK for iOS and Android by
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iOS - Location services error or permissions not granted #28

Open LaTrita97 opened 1 year ago

LaTrita97 commented 1 year ago

Hi, When I call Roam.startTracking(trackingMode: "active") is printed the error Location services error or permissions not granted, but as a response, I receive true. (but the tracking doesn't work)

Before tracking the user, I successfully call Roam.initialize() and Roam.getUser(). (I get the user). Am I doing something wrong?

I receive this error on iOS, as you can see by the attached pictures I configured the platform as shown. Furthermore, the app has all the permissions to access the location (also locationAlways), and the localization is turned on.

PS. I'm using the roam_flutter: ^0.1.5 version and the global platform of the project (in the Podfile) is 14 as it is in your example app.

build_settings info background_mode
LaTrita97 commented 1 year ago

Hi @jothipriyadharshanr and @sahil-roam, I've created a new sample app to test the Plugin. Now when I call the Roam.startTracking() method I don't receive the error Location services error or permissions not granted, but instead is printed Tracking Started (I think that I had a conflict with another library, this afternoon I'll go deeper on it and figure it out).

Now it seems that there are 2 problems: 1) I don't see the movements of the user in the Roam Dashboard, it shows the user as disconnected, is there a delay before seeing the data on the dashboard? (If I allow the app to access the location just when the app is used, the status bar color change and states "app_name is using your location", so I supposed that the app is tracking the user).

2) When I allow the app to access always to the location the status bar color isn't blue and the iOS icon of location isn't filled (when it's fill means that one or more app has recently used the location), with that said, even if is printed Tracking started it seems that isn't true. (I neither know if the app is tracking the user in the background mode)

Could you help me to clear these two questions/possible problems above?