Open ThushalIntervest opened 2 years ago
Hi can you initialise Roam inside
@nikhil290 thank you, This solution work. After that when I going to create a test user, I got this error.
"code": "EDATA NOT FOUND-5700246257146636005",
"domain": "Data not found",
"message": "The operation couldn’t be completed. (Data not found error -5700246257146636005.)",
"nativeStackIOS": [
"0 Wapp Dev 0x0000000104b08530 RCTJSErrorFromCodeMessageAndNSError + 116",
"1 Wapp Dev 0x0000000104b0847c RCTJSErrorFromNSError + 256",
"2 Wapp Dev 0x0000000104a9f12c __41-[RCTModuleMethod processMethodSignature]_block_invoke_4.110 + 132",
"3 Wapp Dev 0x0000000104569fa4 __31-[RNRoam createUser::rejecter:]_block_invoke + 280",
"4 Roam 0x000000010a56c9f4 block_destroy_helper + 11744",
"5 Roam 0x000000010a530778 block_destroy_helper.41 + 4272",
"6 Wapp Dev 0x0000000104569e38 -[RNRoam createUser::rejecter:] + 276",
"7 CoreFoundation 0x0000000180bcddc0 48CD0A80-7A92-34EB-B140-8C475D135808 + 134592",
"8 CoreFoundation 0x0000000180be9e98 48CD0A80-7A92-34EB-B140-8C475D135808 + 249496",
"9 CoreFoundation 0x0000000180c1e2bc 48CD0A80-7A92-34EB-B140-8C475D135808 + 463548",
"10 Wapp Dev 0x0000000104aa117c -[RCTModuleMethod invokeWithBridge:module:arguments:] + 1828",
"11 Wapp Dev 0x0000000104aa4cb8 _ZN8facebook5reactL11invokeInnerEP9RCTBridgeP13RCTModuleDatajRKN5folly7dynamicEiN12_GLOBAL__N_117SchedulingContextE + 1156",
"12 Wapp Dev 0x0000000104aa4658 _ZZN8facebook5react15RCTNativeModule6invokeEjON5folly7dynamicEiENK3$_0clEv + 144",
"13 Wapp Dev 0x0000000104aa45bc ___ZN8facebook5react15RCTNativeModule6invokeEjON5folly7dynamicEi_block_invoke + 28",
"14 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001808ff094 F87EFEAD-673B-3A09-B7AB-9C69B55A18A8 + 405652",
"15 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000180900094 F87EFEAD-673B-3A09-B7AB-9C69B55A18A8 + 409748",
"16 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001808e1858 F87EFEAD-673B-3A09-B7AB-9C69B55A18A8 + 284760",
"17 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001808e14d0 F87EFEAD-673B-3A09-B7AB-9C69B55A18A8 + 283856",
"18 CoreFoundation 0x0000000180bfb0c4 48CD0A80-7A92-34EB-B140-8C475D135808 + 319684",
"19 CoreFoundation 0x0000000180bb85e8 48CD0A80-7A92-34EB-B140-8C475D135808 + 46568",
"20 CoreFoundation 0x0000000180bcb240 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 572",
"21 GraphicsServices 0x00000001a16c1988 GSEventRunModal + 160",
"22 UIKitCore 0x00000001833cb41c A84E395E-0B00-3162-B1FD-B861CE41349C + 5133340",
"23 UIKitCore 0x0000000183164b88 UIApplicationMain + 336",
"24 Wapp Dev 0x00000001045758b8 main + 104",
"25 dyld 0x0000000107b7c3d0 start + 444"
"userInfo": {}
Hi can you check if you making any mistake in passing publishable_key or bundle_id ?
publishable_key is empty : Data not found Incorrect bundleId & publishable_key : Either publishable_key or bundle_id is wrong
@nikhil290 Here are our configurations for the iOS app. but when creating users above error is occurring. We have 3 schemes dev, prod and uat for each environment. In android we used the publishable key with and it worked as expected. For the iOS, we use publishable_key key with bundle_id( but it didn't work. publishable_key same for android and iOS. if you can assist as soon as possible that will be really helpful.
Hi @ThushalIntervest
Can you downgrade react native to 0.64.3. and check again ? Mean time Our developer looking into the above error
Thank you for the suggestion @nikhil290 🙏 . We can test with React Native 0.64.3 but we want to continue with React Native 0.68.2 Because it will impact our other Libraries. For that can you please give an update on when you found the solution for this error 🙏.
We have the same issue. Any updates on this?
Hi @hamidhadi @ThushalIntervest yes we are working on it and will share an update asap .
Hi @hamidhadi @ThushalIntervest You can follow below steps to fix the issue
Hi, @nikhil290 Thanks for your reply. I'm not sure we want to change the file extension as it might affect other turbo modules.
@hamidhadi true, I did the same thing previously. it didn't work and after kill sometimes the app crashed and the location tracking not worked.
Hi @hamidhadi it is working from our end , we are trying to replicate it the above mentioned crash and will update you soon
@nikhil290 Even if that works now, we can't ensure that it won't affect the other libraries as your proposed solution is changing the RN signature. Still, I tried to run the app after applying your solution, and I'm getting the following error:
Error: NativeModules.RNRoam is undefined, js engine: hermes
@hamidhadi for that you need to,
Thanks, @ThushalIntervest! I believe the auto-linking issue was supposed to be fixed as part of this release
you welcome @hamidhadi . is this works for you?
Hi @hamidhadi @ThushalIntervest You can follow below steps to fix the issue
- Rename to AppDelegate.m directly in xcode.
- Call Roam initialize before #if RCT_NEW_ARCH_ENABLED if they are not setting USE_FABRIC=1 RCT_NEW_ARCH_ENABLED=1 while installing pods.
@ThushalIntervest @hamidhadi Can you confirm if the solution provided is working for you or you still facing any issue ?
@nikhil290 Previously I have done this method and it didn't work(Location Not Tracked) in the App Kill state(iOS). And also I think this is unsuitable for a new RN architecture. It will affect the other thrid party dependencies.
Hi @ThushalIntervest we built an example app and added the same below solution for react native new architecture (0.68.2) as mentioned above
Steps: Request permission Create user -> user id and response displayed in app toggle listener start tracking -> locations successfully displayed in app and published to server as well
We are able to start the tracking can we connect on call along with our developer to get into the root cause ?
We decided not to move forward with Roam at this point.
Currently, we are using, React Native : 0.68.2, we are using files containing Objective-C++