rob-balfre / svelte-select

Svelte Select. A select component for Svelte
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Some CSS variables bugs in beta17 #454

Closed yadoga closed 1 year ago

yadoga commented 1 year ago

Found some bugs regarding CSS variables.

--clear-icon-color --item-active-background

… are not being used at the moment.

Also the select input now shows a cursor.

using 5.0.0-beta.17

Edit: removed a deprecated variable Edit: Above Variables do work. I scoped a wrong element in my tests. Cursor remains wonky, though. :)

yadoga commented 1 year ago

the blinking cursor in the Input can be turned off via the caret-color attribute in CSS:

.select {
    :global(input) {
        caret-color: transparent;
rob-balfre commented 1 year ago

The blinking cursor is a feature, not a bug. Maybe the default should be carot-color: transparent until filterText has length.

yadoga commented 1 year ago

all good, I wrongly assumed searchable would not be true by default.

Came from a classic usecase of a regular Select in this instance, where no key inputs are needed. Thought of making searchable false by default…