rob-balfre / svelte-select

Svelte Select. A select component for Svelte
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Help how to bind:value as a simple value and how to style select #483

Closed kane81 closed 1 year ago

kane81 commented 1 year ago


I need help - I have a object array of items and I would like svelte-select to bind:value to bind the value selected and not the object selected.... I have a workaround, but it is extra boiler plate code and wondering if there is a better way?

Also I cannot seem to style svelte-select background color to say red on an error.

Please see example in repl

Thank you

kl3sk commented 1 year ago


May this REPL help you

You have to bind:value and refer to it.

rob-balfre commented 1 year ago

beta version...

kane81 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your reply and REPL-

re bind:value - yeah I had worked that out - was hoping there was a more elgant way that uses less boiler plate lol :P guess I need to upgrade to beta version :P

thanks for the beta preview. FYI for example code - probably adjust sample from class={styleAsError ? "invalid" : ""} to class:invalid={styleAsError}