rob-balfre / svelte-select

Svelte Select. A select component for Svelte
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Why does svelte-select not understand that it needs to truncate itself based on parent width? #590

Closed frederikhors closed 1 year ago

frederikhors commented 1 year ago

I would like to understand how to make svelte-select to "auto-regulate" it's width based on parent width.



When I reduce the REPL window width do you see the horizontal scrollbar at the bottom?

I would like svelte-select auto understand it needs to use the ellipsis / truncate behavior, like this:


I can fix it by using on the parent the code:

<div class="col-span-1 overflow-x-hidden">
  <CustomSelect />

but I need something inside the CustomSelect.svelte component and not in the parent one. This because the CustomSelect is used a lot and in a lot of places.

Any idea?

rob-balfre commented 1 year ago

It works fine without tailwind I think?

frederikhors commented 1 year ago

Nope, tailwind is just what I'm using, you can try it even without Tailwind. The issue is the ellipsis is not present if the parent width is smaller.

rob-balfre commented 1 year ago

See here:

Otherwise show me what you mean in your own simple REPL.

frederikhors commented 1 year ago

Ok, I reduced the example in REPL removing Tailwind and what is not needed.

Plus the gif:


Do you see now what I mean?

rob-balfre commented 1 year ago

Nothing to do with svelte-select, just CSS...