rob-balfre / svelte-select

Svelte Select. A select component for Svelte
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Svelte 5: Chrome: list is not opened on the first click #690

Closed frederikhors closed 2 weeks ago

frederikhors commented 3 weeks ago

Firefox 126 works. Chrome 125 doesn't.

The same code on Svelte 4:

and on Svelte 5.0.0-next.136:

In the Svelte 5 the first click on the select doesn't open the list.

I tried Firefox and it works! Chrome doesn't!

I opened

ennoente commented 3 weeks ago

Same here. What I have found is that an initial binding to listOpen={true} fixes the issue.

  import Select from 'svelte-select';

  const items = [
    {value: 'chocolate', label: 'Chocolate', group: 'Sweet'},
    {value: 'pizza', label: 'Pizza', group: 'Savory'},
    {value: 'cake', label: 'Cake', group: 'Sweet', selectable: false},
    {value: 'chips', label: 'Chips', group: 'Savory'},
    {value: 'ice-cream', label: 'Ice Cream', group: 'Sweet'}

  let listOpen = $state(true);

<Select {items} bind:listOpen />

@frederikhors Can you confirm this?

frederikhors commented 3 weeks ago

@ennoente apparently this issue is on Chrome & on Windows:

With listOpen works, but is not a valid workaround.

rob-balfre commented 3 weeks ago

@frederikhors thanks for opening the issue over on Svelte, was an interesting read this morning! A Chrome bug, wild times!

Neptunium1129 commented 2 weeks ago

is It seems to be working fine without any problems now.

knd775 commented 2 weeks ago

This can probably be closed now. The fix for svelte 5 has been released.