rob3000 / nestjs-kafka

NestJS integration with KafkaJS
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Multiple clients on same broker lead to weird behaviour #15

Open Shamshiel opened 3 years ago

Shamshiel commented 3 years ago

If I register two clients KAFKA_CLIENT_1 and KAFKA_CLIENT_2 on the same broker I receive every message twice because the @SubscribeTo will be registered to both clients regardless of what I configured.

The problem is the static/global SUBSCRIBER_MAP because it is the same for every KafkaService. So if I subscribe to the topic hero.kill.dragon with KAFKA_CLIENT_1, the current implementation will also subscribe the topic hero.kill.dragon to KAFKA_CLIENT_2. This happens in onModuleInit() in the KafkaService.

I think to solve this problem every KafkaService needs its own SUBSCRIBER_MAP and SUBSCRIBER_OBJECT_MAP.

I'm pretty sure this will also lead to weird behaviour with different brokers.

rob3000 commented 3 years ago

Hey @Shamshiel are you able to provide the config you used for this? Assuming each client had their own consumerId?

Shamshiel commented 3 years ago

To reproduce this issue you can use this config in the current E2E tests in

  imports: [
        name: 'KAFKA_SERVICE',
        options: {
          client: {
            clientId: 'test-e2e',
            brokers: ['localhost:9092'],
            retry: {
              retries: 2,
              initialRetryTime: 30,
          consumer: {
            groupId: 'test-e2e-consumer',
            allowAutoTopicCreation: true,
          deserializer: new KafkaAvroResponseDeserializer({
            host: 'http://localhost:8081/'
          serializer: new KafkaAvroRequestSerializer({
            config: {
              host: 'http://localhost:8081/'
            schemas: [
                topic: TOPIC_NAME,
                key: TOPIC_NAME,
                value: TOPIC_NAME,
        name: 'KAFKA_SERVICE_2',
        options: {
          client: {
            clientId: 'test-e2e-2',
            brokers: ['localhost:9092'],
            retry: {
              retries: 2,
              initialRetryTime: 30,
          consumer: {
            groupId: 'test-e2e-consumer-2',
            allowAutoTopicCreation: true,
          deserializer: new KafkaAvroResponseDeserializer({
            host: 'http://localhost:8081/'
          serializer: new KafkaAvroRequestSerializer({
            config: {
              host: 'http://localhost:8081/'
            schemas: [
                topic: TOPIC_NAME,
                key: TOPIC_NAME,
                value: TOPIC_NAME,
export default class AppModule {}

The result of the test will be the following:

 AppModule Sync (e2e)
    × We can SEND and ACCEPT AVRO messages (5134 ms)

  ● AppModule Sync (e2e) › We can SEND and ACCEPT AVRO messages

    expect(received).toBe(expected) // equality

    Expected: 2
    Received: 4

I register two clients in the test and only the KAFKA_SERVICE client is used but I still receive four messages instead of the two that I should get. If you debug the code you can see that the method onModuleInit() in combination with the SUBSCRIBER_MAP is why this happens. KAFKA_SERVICE_2 will be initalized on startup and iterate over the SUBSCRIBER_MAP. The SUBSCRIBER_MAP is global and was filled with one topic. This topic will be initalized for all clients in onModuleInit().