robb / Cartography

A declarative Auto Layout DSL for Swift :iphone::triangular_ruler:
7.35k stars 524 forks source link

Xcode 10.2 / Swift 5 #310

Closed jwietelmann closed 5 years ago

jwietelmann commented 5 years ago

This is just @netizen01's PR with an osx_image version bump for Travis.

kajensen commented 5 years ago

Looks like this podspec is expecting the 1.7 cocoapods beta? I am using 1.6.1 (latest stable to my knowledge) and getting this error:

Analyzing dependencies
Pre-downloading: `Cartography` from ``, branch `master`
[!] Failed to load 'Cartography' podspec: 
[!] Invalid `Cartography.podspec` file: undefined method `swift_versions=' for #<Pod::Specification name="Cartography">
Did you mean?  swift_version=

 #  from /var/folders/h_/mq1fjrjj0cb70mhnxzg6by3c0000gn/T/d20190422-33286-b5wrcb/Cartography.podspec:15
 #  -------------------------------------------
 >    s.swift_versions = ["4.2","5.0"]
 #  -------------------------------------------
jwietelmann commented 5 years ago

@kajensen Sorry, I don't know anything about that. I literally just forked someone else's fork and updated the Travis yaml so that CI would pass.

kajensen commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I should've commented this on @netizen01 pull request #308

jwietelmann commented 5 years ago

@kajensen see if this fixes it for you. i cavalierly just edited it straight in github and didn't test. (i'm in the middle of doing my day job.)

kajensen commented 5 years ago

Yep thats the fix! This should be approved over #308

typfel commented 5 years ago

What's preventing this from being merged?

orta commented 5 years ago

Nothing really, it wasn't green when I last looked 👍

Let's do it